
When receiving aesthetic or moral pleasure, often the skin crawls. Well, if they appear only in such pleasant cases. But sometimes such a phenomenon arises involuntarily and without any apparent reasons, which makes one think about the state of health.

Why do you always get goosebumps?

If you notice that the skin is always covered with a small rash or note the similarity with goosebump, there can be only two reasons for this - either a lack of vitamins or hyperkeratosis.

Lack of nutrients is a frequent occurrence, especially in spring and winter. The fact is that in some periods the diet is poor because of the lack of fresh vegetables, fruits and legumes. This leads to a lack of microelements, vitamins and amino acids, which must come from food. If you do not fill this deficit, it will start to reflect on the state of the skin. There will appear dryness, irritation and peeling, possibly even cracking. In addition, due to a lack of vitamin B1 in the body, metabolic processes are slowed down and blood flow is deteriorating, which leads to burning and itching.

Goosebumps are a complex disease

Hyperkeratosis is a disease that has not yet been cured, as its causes are not fully understood. Some experts argue that the main influencing factor is heredity, others are convinced of the hormonal nature of the disease. Anyway, hyperkeratosis manifests itself as a constant goosebumps, which do not cause any inconvenience, except for the unaesthetic appearance.

The main way to treat this pathology is the use of creams, applications, scrubs and peelings on the damaged areas. Especially useful are products containing acids, because they help to effectively remove the top layer of the epidermis and promote cell regeneration.

Shivers on the scalp - causes

The blood vessels in the head are located close enough to the upper layer of the skin, so when it seems that the skin is shivering, you should immediately go to the neurologist, regardless of the presence of other unpleasant symptoms.

Atherosclerotic plaques and arterial pressure prevent the normal flow of blood, so it moves under high pressure, overcoming counter obstacles. Because of this, there may be a sensation of creepy under the scalp, creeping insects. This state lasts for a short time, literally 2-3 minutes, but it is a disturbing signal about the violation of blood circulation in the head and the danger of developing brain damage and even a stroke.

It is recommended to perform such studies as magnetic resonance therapy, dopplerography, electrocardiogram, and also to pass a biochemical blood test.

Frequent goosebumps

The psycho-emotional state of a person also affects his physical condition. In medical practice, the symptom is often registered against the background of depressive disorders, acute stress conditions and chronic fatigue. Recently, even a special definition of the frequently occurring goosebumps appeared: an autonomic sensory meridional reaction. This phenomenon is classified into 4 groups, each of which has its own causes of goosebumps. It is established that they can be involuntary, without external stimuli. But most of the cases of their appearance are emotional sensations sending signals to the triggers of the brain, from which electrical impulses to the vessels located close to the skin come from the nerve endings. This process provokes the appearance of so-called goosebumps.