Interferon - ointment

Interferon is an immunomodulatory substance that exerts an antitumor and antiviral effect. The drug prevents the penetration of cells of the virus into the body and at the same time develops immunity to these microorganisms. An ointment with interferon is effective at the first symptoms of a viral illness and colds. In addition, it acts as an excellent preventive property in the presence of an infected person in the family.

Ointment based on interferon

The inhibition of the activity of viral cells occurs by preventing their connection to the cells of the body. In addition, the substance further leads to the recognition of pathogenic cells, thereby preventing infection.

Interferon is used in the treatment of viral infections, such as hepatitis C and B, multiple sclerosis, for the treatment of influenza. The drug was widely used in the fight against blood pathologies:

In addition, an ointment with interferon is recommended to be put in the nose, as it perfectly fights with signs of ARVI, accompanied by coughing, sneezing and runny nose. In this case, the agent effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease at all its stages.

Ointment based on interferon-alpha

The active substance of this drug is alpha-interferon obtained from human blood. Use of the drug helps to destroy bacteria and pathogens of viruses, improve immunity to them, in order to avoid infection in the future.

According to the instructions for the use of ointments with interferon, with ARVI and influenza, the remedy with a cotton swab is applied to the mucous membranes. The procedure is carried out twice a day. The duration of therapy for viral disease and for prevention is two weeks. After that the remedy continues to be used two to three times a week for another month.