Patriotic education of preschoolers

The patriotic education of preschool children, as the younger generation, is one of the most urgent tasks for the education system.

Quite big changes that occurred in the country in the last few years could not but affect moral values, having also influenced the youth's relations with the historical events of their native country.

Due to the fact that the ideas about patriotism , kindness and generosity are completely distorted in children, the patriotic upbringing of preschool children is becoming more and more important every day.

What is the role of patriotic upbringing of preschoolers?

As you know, in any country, moral and patriotic education is one of the key moments of social consciousness. It is this aspect that underlies the normal vital activity of both human society and the state as a whole.

Therefore, the education of the individual in both younger and senior preschool children is necessarily based on civil-patriotic education.

What are the main tasks of patriotic education?

The main task of patriotic upbringing of preschool children is the formation of love for their kindergarten, parents, close people, and then, in general, to the place where the baby was born and to his state.

This is how the upbringing of patriotic feelings in preschool children occurred in the times of the former USSR. There was not a day that the child did not sing the anthem of his state. At the same time, many patriotic organizations were responsible for fostering love for their Motherland. Perhaps, there was no such child who was not in the pioneer organization.

For the period of perestroika, the state completely forgot about the national-patriotic upbringing of preschool children. Only towards the end of the 90s patriotic groups and circles began to appear in schools.

How should patriotic upbringing of preschool children be carried out?

The means used for patriotic education of preschool children are quite numerous. At the same time, all of them are based in such a way that the child himself, without suspecting himself, began to show love for the Motherland.

It is known that children of young age perceive the surrounding reality, first of all, emotionally. As a result, their patriotic feelings are manifested in admiration for the place where he was born and lives. As a rule, for the formation of such feelings, the child needs far more than one occupation.

Therefore, in order to educate a true patriot of his country from a baby, it is necessary to influence him systematically and purposefully at each occupation. So, for example, in classes with kids of older kindergarten groups, you can spend on "My hometown (village, land)", on which to tell about its main attractions. Classes should not be lengthy, and if possible held in a game form. So you can decompose or post photos of any architectural, historical objects of the city, region or land, and ask the kids to begin with, who knows something about what is depicted in the pictures.

Thus, any activities with the child, whether it be a game, or a cognitive lesson in the kindergarten , should contribute to the formation of patriotism in the baby. Only in this way it is possible to raise a real patriot of his Motherland from the child who will not only be proud of the place where he was born and raised, but will also know about the cultural sights of his land, transferring knowledge to his children in the future. For this, only lessons in kindergarten or school will not be enough.