Flowing from the ear - than to treat?

Do you or your loved ones have an ear, and you do not know what to do? Do not panic. This is a symptom of otitis . In itself this disease will not work, but there are many methods and medicines that will help you get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

How to treat ears if they "flow"?

If suddenly there is a leak from the ear and there is no purulent discharge, the treatment can be symptomatic. You can make a half-alcohol compress (wet the cloth in a solution of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and apply to the ear). It will improve the blood supply to the middle ear area and will promote a speedy recovery. There is a suspicion that inclusions of pus begin to appear in the fluid? Stop treating yourself with heat, because bacteria will begin to develop several times faster.

Adults who "flow" the ear, can be treated with an alcohol tincture of calendula (20 g of dry grass for 200 ml of alcohol or vodka). Before using this product, you need to rinse your ear with a decoction of chamomile or clean it with a cotton swab dampened with hydrogen peroxide.

What kind of drops to use?

If the ears "flow", and you want to recover as soon as possible, you need to treat this problem with the help of medications. It is best to choose a drop that contains an antibiotic and a steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. It can be such preparations, as:

Before using Софрадекса, it is necessary to pass inspection at ЛОРа. This is due to the fact that Neomycin is part of this medication, and drops can have a toxic effect on the sensory cells of the cochlea, seeping into the inner ear.

You have pain, flowing from the ear, and you do not know what to treat? In this case, choose painkillers with lidocaine - Otypax . Most often they are prescribed for inflammation of the external auditory canal, since the antibiotic that enters into their composition suppresses the activity of microbes, and the steroid quickly reduces the activity of inflammation. But with the appearance of fluid from the ear, these drops are capable of eliminate pain. Together with Otipaks it is necessary to use antibacterial drops:

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is worth combining the use of drops with the intake of antibiotics. For example, Amoxicillin has a pronounced bactericidal and antibacterial effect. When the ear flows, this drug can be used together with any antibacterial drops.