How many baby teeth do they have?

The appearance of milk teeth in young children, is undoubtedly a joy for their parents. However, along with it, they often start to think: "And how many baby teeth does a man have, and what should we wait for later?".

How much total milk teeth should children have?

As a rule, the child first has lower incisors, behind which the teeth begin to show on top. The process itself is painfully tolerated by the baby, so he needs special attention and care.

How should the teeth of children be erupted?

With regard to the general pattern of germination, dentists generally adhere to the "rule of four", using which one can easily determine at what age - how much should have a crumb of milk teeth.

According to this rule, in order to determine how many baby teeth a child should be present at the moment, it is necessary to take 4 of the total months, i.e. according to this formula, in six months the baby should have 2 teeth, by 8 months - 4, and by the year - all 8 incisors. If we talk about the total number of baby teeth in children, then there are 20 of them.

Signs of the appearance of teeth

Almost all parents look forward to the appearance of the first tooth, looking at the baby in the mouth several times a day. As a rule, you do not need to be a doctor to determine the signs that indicate the imminent appearance of the teeth.

The child becomes restless, the temperature rises, in some cases to the febrile digits, sleep is disturbed, diarrhea appears. Therefore, such a process as dentition often resembles a cold with which it is confused.

In most cases, the first milk teeth grow in children to 7 months. However, this process can be delayed. If you have not a single tooth by the year, you need to sound an alarm and go to the doctor.

In what order should the teeth appear?

First, the lower and then the upper incisors, which are located in the center, should appear. Only by the end of the first year there are lateral ones. According to the dental norm, at 12 months the child should already have 8 teeth. They appear parallel, from above and from below, and along with this an occlusion is formed.

After a while, around 16-20 months, fangs appear. As a rule, the process of their growth is more painfully tolerated by children, because of their anatomical features. Only by the age of 20 months the babies have the first molar teeth - molars, and only by the age of 3 the child can count 20 teeth.

If the order of dentition is broken

Sometimes children may experience a delay, or vice versa, an earlier appearance of the first teeth. At the same time, there is the following regularity: in children born in summer or autumn, teeth appear later, and those who have born in winter or spring - cut through earlier. This pattern is not always observed.

Often, the reason for the delay in the appearance of teeth are a violation of metabolic processes, the work of the endocrine system, or a disease such as rickets.

How there is a change of a teeth?

After the baby reaches 3 years old, the parents forget their teeth for a while. The child does not bother and he can easily chew any food without difficulty. Then the mothers begin to look for information on how many years the milk teeth should change . As a rule, by the age of 6, the first milk tooth falls out in children.

Each child is unique, but on average, the change of milk teeth to permanent begins at this time. The first 1 and 2 teeth fall first. Before falling out, the tooth begins to wobble, and often the children help him in this. The process itself is painless and is accompanied by only a slight bleeding.