What is useful for kohlrabi cabbage?

We have a kohlrabi considered one of the varieties of cabbage. This guest came to us from the Mediterranean countries. Because there is a humid climate - kohlrabi is a very moody vegetable: it does not tolerate the sun and loves generous watering. Despite the fact that in the CIS countries kohlrabi is considered exotic, it has a huge number of useful properties, it is of great importance in the vital activity of the body.

What is so useful kohlrabi cabbage?

The kohlrabi cabbage is unique. Useful properties in her at times more than all types of cabbage (white cabbage, Peking, broccoli) combined!

To make it more clear, what are the useful properties of kohlrabi cabbage, it is worth studying this overseas vegetable in more detail.

So, kohlrabi is this:

Are there any contraindications?

Of course, as with any product, kohlrabi can cause unwanted reactions.

So, kohlrabi is contraindicated for those who suffer from liver and digestive system diseases. You can not kohlrabi and those who are prone to intestinal disorders and who have nutritional intolerance to cabbage.