Fish soup from trout

The nutritional value of this rare and delicious fish is well known to everyone: it is rich in amino acids and vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids. Including trout in your diet, you automatically improve the memory, the state of the vessels, your body receives all the necessary elements to respond to you with gratitude.

Red fish are often included in the menu of those who adhere to dietary nutrition, so fish soup from trout - for them just a godsend. Caloric content is low, and nutritional value is beyond praise.

How to cook fish soup?

To prepare the broth, you can take as trout fillets, skin and ridge, and head. Of course, after taking the loin, you will have delicious portions of trout in each plate, but you can separate meat from the head and ridge. The head will be cooked a little longer, but in general, expect that the cooking time of the fish is equal to the time of cooking the potatoes. As you can see, cooking a fish soup is not such a troublesome business. And one small tip: buy still not frozen trout, and fresh or chilled, so that your dish is tastier and smoother.

Recipe for fish soup from trout

Soup from trout fillet is not a sin and pamper yourself, and surprise guests. Very gentle, fragrant, easy - only worth the compliments. Be sure to let the soup brew, at least 5-10 minutes, then its taste will be even better. By the way, you can try adding a small slice of lemon to each plate, it will add spice to the dish.



The trout fillet is properly mine, cut into pieces 3-4 cm and put into a pan with cold water. Add finely chopped onions, carrots, grated, and potatoes, cut into small cubes. We bring the future soup to a boil, reduce the fire, remove the foam and add seasoning: black and sweet pepper for several peas. After 10-15 minutes, when you see that the potatoes are ready, add a bay leaf and a salt. Turn off and give the fish soup from the trout to infuse for 10 minutes. When serving on the table, decorate the dish with herbs.

Fish soup from a head of a trout

Most often, the trout is bought in full, then the carcass is cut, the fillets are fried or stewed, baked, enjoying such a tasty fish, and the head remains, which is sent to the freezer until better times. But, even if you are the owner of only the head of red fish, you are still very fortunate. After all, the recipe for fish soup from trout includes the head. You just have to cook it a little longer, and, of course, thoroughly clean it, and after cooking, cut it off.



We carefully clean the head of trout, remove the gills, rinse and place in a saucepan with cold water. Immediately put pepper, bay leaf, salt and put on fire. When the soup boils, make less fire and cook for about 40 minutes. Then we spread the fish from the broth, we cut it, we separate the meat and put it aside. Potatoes are cleaned, cut into small cubes, put into boiling broth and after 10 minutes add the grated carrot and diced and fried onions. Soup on fish broth boil for 5 more minutes, add spices and pieces of fish cut, after 5 minutes turn off - delicious fish soup is ready. In each plate you can pour finely chopped parsley.