Mask for hair with aloe

Aloe for centuries used to treat various diseases. The juice of this plant is actively used in cosmetology. Due to the high content of trace elements, antioxidants and vitamins, aloe makes it possible to restore the hair structure, strengthen bulbs, make curls more dense and get rid of split ends.

Where to get aloe?

To prepare a medical mask for hair, you need aloe juice. It is squeezed out of the most fleshy (lower and medium) leaves of the plant. Aloe is quite unpretentious, because it will not be difficult to grow it on a windowsill, even if you are not fond of indoor flowers.

Aloe juice is also sold in the pharmacy - the preparation contains auxiliary components and is somewhat inferior to freshly squeezed product, but for masks it is quite suitable.

Nourishing mask with aloe

For dry hair, the home mask prepared from:

Components are taken in equal proportions - 2 tbsp. spoons. Aloe juice is squeezed from the fresh leaves of the plant, and honey should be natural. After thorough mixing, the mass, slightly warmed up in a water bath, is applied to the hair. It is best to leave the mask for the night, while the head should be wrapped with polyethylene, and then with a heater (towel or cap). In the morning, you need to wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

For facial hair, masks from aloe are also very useful. To make the tips of the locks smooth and well-groomed will help the mixture with the pulp of aloe (2 spoons), yolk (1 pc.), Castor oil, honey and cognac (1 spoonful). Ingredients are combined, applied to the tips of the tips for 40 - 60 minutes.

Mask with aloe for rare hair

Strengthen bulbs, prevent hair loss and make hair thick will help mask out:

The components are combined, slightly heated and applied to the hair (root part) in the form of a compress. The aging time is one hour. Then they wash their heads with warm water.

There is another effective mask recipe for liquid hair. It will take:

Powder mustard must be diluted with water beforehand to make creamy gruel. In it add the remaining ingredients, mix, apply to the root of the hair. Wash off with warm water after an hour. Such procedures also help to get rid of dandruff.

Recipe for the lazy

When the house does not have the necessary components described above, a simple hair mask will help out: honey, aloe and yolk (in equal proportions) mix and apply to the roots of the hair. The aging time is one hour. If there is no honey, you can do without it.

Aloe juice is effectively rubbed into the scalp and in a pure form. The procedure is carried out after washing the hair using a freshly squeezed product.

Aloe for oily hair

Owners of oily hair will suit tincture of aloe. Four sheets of the plant should be crushed with a knife and pour the resulting gruel with a glass of alcohol or vodka. Means insist in the refrigerator under the lid, you can use the tincture on the fifth day. She rubbed into the parting, wrap her head with a heater and stood for half an hour. The procedure is carried out three times a week.

Normalize the work of sebaceous glands will help components such as lemon juice, decoction of the oak cortex, cognac. They can be added to the hair mask with aloe, individually or together. The mixture is applied in the usual way, it is washed off after an hour. The course of treatment of oily hair is 2 months, while the procedure should be repeated twice a week.