Cake "Shu"

The cakes "Shu" are similar to our custard cakes, they are also prepared from the custard and as a filling in them custard. But they are different in appearance. As a rule, cakes "Shu" have a round shape. At first glance, they are completely unattractive, but here they taste simply divine. A detailed recipe for the preparation of "Shu" we will now tell you.

Cake "Shu" - recipe


For the test:

For cream:


First, prepare the cream: beat 2 eggs, sugar, a half glass of milk and flour. Slowly pour the resulting mixture into well-heated milk, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, cook for another minute or so. Then remove from heat, give a little cool and add vanillin and softened butter. Shake all the mixer and send the cream to the refrigerator.

Now we are preparing the dough: boil the water and dissolve the butter in it, then pour the flour slowly and, stirring, stand on a small fire for about a minute until the dough lags behind the walls. Next, we enter 1 egg into the dough, stirring constantly. You should get a dough consistency cream. Spoon the dough into a baking tray with portioning balls. From this set of products, they should be 12-15 pieces. Bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees until the balls become rosy. We cut the finished cakes across and fill it with cream. And in the end, ready-made "Shu" custard cakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, coconut chips or poured with melted chocolate. By the way, instead of the custard, you can use whipped cream, a cream of condensed milk with butter or any other, at your discretion.

At first glance, the recipe "Shu" may seem a little complicated, but if you follow the instructions clearly, you will have a delicious dessert.