Mimosa salad with pink salmon

Salads are interesting because from a simple set of products you can get a delicious dish. "Mimosa" is one of the most popular and favorite salads. It is often found on our festive tables. In this article we will tell you how to prepare a mimosa with pink salmon.

Recipe for salad "Mimosa" with pink salmon



Vegetables cook in the skins until ready, eggs - hard-boiled. On a flat dish first layer we spread pink salmon , mashed with a fork, and water slightly with mayonnaise. Next, lay out the potatoes, grated on a large grater, slightly salted and again watered with mayonnaise. The third layer - grated carrots, mayonnaise. Then egg whites, grated on a fine grater, mayonnaise, yolks, again mayonnaise and chopped green onions. Ready salad we clean in the refrigerator for 2 hours to soak.

Mimosa with smoked pink salmon



Protein and egg yolk separately three on a fine grater. Potatoes and carrots are also individually three on a large grater. We remove the pink salmon from the bones and skin and cut it into small cubes. Lay the layers of ingredients in such a sequence: potatoes, pink salmon, chopped onions, protein, carrots, grated cheese, and yolk. Each layer is lubricated with mayonnaise. If desired, the prepared salad can be decorated with chopped herbs.

Mimosa with rice and pink salmon



Rice is washed and boiled until ready in salted water. Eggs boil hard, carrots - until cooked. With pink salmon, drain the butter and knead cans with a fork. We chop the onion finely. Proteins, yolks, and also carrots three on a large grater separately. In the salad bowl, we lay out the ingredients in the following order: rice, pink salmon, green onions, squirrels, carrots, yolks. Each layer is lubricated with mayonnaise. Before serving, the salad should be in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Mimosa with pickled pink salmon and butter



Potatoes and carrots are boiled in a peel, then we cool, clean and three separately on a large grater. In the salad bowl we spread the first layer of potatoes, grease it with mayonnaise. From above place the mashed potted pink salmon, again we put mayonnaise. Chop the onion and scald it with boiling water so that the bitterness is gone. We spread it on the fish. On top of the three on a large grater is frozen butter. On it we spread grated proteins, we water them with mayonnaise. Then comes grated carrots, mayonnaise, grated hard cheese, again mayonnaise and the last layer - grated yolks. We remove the salad to soak in the cold.

Recipe for mimosa with pink salmon and apple



In advance, boil potatoes, carrots and eggs. All ingredients are three individually on a large grater. The first layer on the bottom of a deep form, put the apple, then - the pink salmon, which is lubricated with mayonnaise. The next layer is potatoes, mayonnaise. Then carrots, protein, mayonnaise. The top layer is the ground yolk.