Mimosa salad - recipe with rice

The salad "Mimosa with rice" is another original recipe for cooking a famous and legendary salad for all of us. Its distinctive feature is the presence in the composition of a dish of rice, which gives an unusual taste, compared with the classic recipe for salad "Mimosa" .

Recipe for salad "Mimosa with rice"



To prepare salad "Mimosa with rice" we take canned fish, merge juice from them and mash with a fork. Rice, carrots and eggs pre-cook until ready. Then we clean the eggs and separate the proteins from the yolks. Carrots cool, clean and rub on a large grater on a separate plate. Dill greens rinse and dry. Onions are cleaned, thinly shredded and scalded with boiling water so that it does not bitter or crackle.

On a flat dish we put a special ring and start spreading our salad layers, promazyvaya everyone with mayonnaise. We put the first layer of rice, sprinkle it with chopped dill and make a mesh of mayonnaise. Then evenly cover all the mashed fish from canned food, sprinkle with onions. Next, lay a layer of grated carrots, egg protein and finishes the salad crushed yolk. Each portion is decorated with a sprig of dill, we remove the metal ring and serve the dish on the table.

Classic recipe for salad "Mimosa with rice"



Now tell you how to prepare "Mimosa with rice". First put the butter in the freezer and then begin to prepare all the other ingredients. Fresh eggs put in a ladle, pour water and set on a weak fire to boil hard for 10 minutes after boiling. By the way, eggs are best used with bright yolks, so that the salad turns out not only deliciously tasty, but also appetizing. Next, transfer the eggs into a saucepan of cold water and let them cool completely. Now take a crumbly variety of rice, boil it until cooked in slightly salted water, after which we dry it and cool it. Then add to it 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, as much butter, season with salt and black pepper, and then carefully mix everything.

Chilled eggs are cleaned from the shell, divided into yolks and proteins. We clean the bulb, chop it very finely with a knife, pour boiling water, and after 15-20 minutes throw it into a colander and let it dry. We rub our favorite hard cheese on an average grater. Then we take out the fish from the can, remove all the large bones from it, dry it with oil, spread out on a paper towel or napkin. Then we shift the fish into a separate piallet and knead it thoroughly with a fork or grind it with a blender.

By the time the puffed lettuce is laid, all the prepared ingredients must be of the same temperature, so before doing this, it is best to place them for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Now take not too deep, but a wide dish and spread the salad layers in the following sequence: first a little fish, then a lightly beaten rice with a fork, after an even layer of grated cheese. Now we lubricate a little with mayonnaise. After that, we spread the crushed proteins, and on it - all the remaining fish. Then cover with a layer of chopped onion, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle the salad with half the ground yolks, then rub on the small grater cream butter and finish the dish with yolks. Well, that's all, "Mimosa with rice" and cheese is ready!