Atheroma - treatment at home

Sebaceous glands are located throughout the body except for the skin of the feet and palms. Sometimes, for unknown reasons, they clog up, provoking the growth of the cyst. This formation is called atheroma - treatment at home of this benign tumor is possible, although it does not lead to the complete disappearance of pathology. To get rid of her forever allow exclusively surgical techniques.

Can I remove atheroma at home?

The described neoplasm is a capsule filled with gruel from lipoid (fat) tissues, which are released from the sebaceous glands, as well as epithelial cells. The contents of the cysts have a specific consistency, because of what it does not dissolve under the influence of any external means, be it pharmacological drugs or the most effective alternative medications. In addition, the tumor is surrounded by a dense shell with fairly thick walls. Therefore, eliminating only the internal gruel does not guarantee that after a while the tumor will not appear again in the same place.

Thus, the removal of atheroma in the home is absolutely impossible. Getting rid of it provides modern surgery. In the outpatient setting of a hospital under local anesthesia, the doctor completely removes both the contents of the tumor and its capsule. The operation takes no more than 40 minutes, while the risk of recurrence of the cyst in the former zone is absolutely excluded. Moreover, no rehabilitation period is required. Slight skin damage after surgery quickly heals and, as a rule, does not cause scar tissue.

How to treat atheroma at home?

Independent attempts to eliminate the problem under consideration are expedient only in the following cases:

  1. Suppuration of the cyst. Before the removal operation, it is necessary to remove the inflammation and stop the reproduction of bacteria. This allows to avoid complications during surgical procedures.
  2. Care of wound surface. After enucleation of the neoplasm, the damaged skin should be treated daily with antiseptic and healing agents.

Often one can find advice on the treatment of atheroma behind the ear and other areas with ichthyol ointment at home. Also experts in folk therapy recommend liniment Vishnevsky, Levomekol, Iruksol, Levosin and all sorts of ointments based on propolis. These medications do help, but not in removing cysts. They are designed for cleaning and accelerated healing of the wound surface after traditional surgical treatment. Compresses and dressings with the listed preparations provide the following effects:

The use of these ointments can prevent microbial infection of the skin, the formation of scars and scars.

There are more natural ways to cure atheroma at home. For example:

It is important to remember that the use of any such means is extremely dangerous. Atheroma, in contrast to the lipoma, communicates with the surface skin through the exit of the sebaceous gland. Applying various lotions, compresses, applying ointments and tinctures from unchecked ingredients can cause inflammation, suppuration and abscess, even the degeneration of the cyst into a phlegmon or a malignant tumor.

How will get rid of atheroma at home?

Considering all the above facts, it is impossible to remove this new tumor on its own, and attempts to do so are fraught with serious consequences. The only way to safely and safely eliminate atheroma is to contact an experienced surgeon.