Body art women

In literal translation from English, "body art" means the art of the body, but in this case, you can include tattooing, piercing, scarring (which in the understanding of a healthy person has little to do with art), implantation, and, in fact, painting on the body, o which will be discussed in this article.

The tendency to decorate the body with various drawings has become more popular lately. Drawings on the body have long attracted humanity, to take, for example, Indians, who painted faces and bodies before hunting or magical rituals. Tattoos and paintings were used as a sign of belonging to a certain genus, social class, and also pointed to the status in society and the material situation.

In modern society, body art is considered a real art, because painting on the body, and sometimes painting whole pictures that become the embodiment of creative ideas and mood of the author, require considerable skill and professional skills. In addition, body art on the body is a great way of self-expression , which is very popular not only among young girls, but even in pregnant women.

Body art - painting on the body and on the face

Body art, or rather body-paint on the face and body is a temporary application of drawings with the help of special paints, which are applied to the top layer of the skin, without deep penetration. Paints for body art and methods of execution are of several types:

Despite the fact that body art is considered a modern art form, some older people nevertheless regard the nude decorated body of a woman as obscene and too frank.