Jacket with T-shirt

The combination of a jacket with a T-shirt has become extremely popular recently. In this case, such an ensemble is relevant for both women and men. With the right approach, these two, at first glance, incompatible things, will help create both a business and an everyday image .

How to wear a jacket with a T-shirt?

Only a bold, self-assured girl can afford such an ensemble. To create an original and stylish image, you can use both single-color t-shirts and models with different prints and inscriptions. And you can add anything to your image. Everything depends on the desire and mood of the woman of fashion.

It is worth noting that the ensemble, consisting of a jacket with a T-shirt and jeans, is a favorite option for young people. This combination looks fashionable and a little extravagant, whether it's skinny skinny, classic straight model or boyfriends with holes and scuffs. This universal look began to enjoy great popularity among older women who are willing to follow fashion trends and are willing to keep pace with the times. Created a slight negligence with a skillful combination of colors can perfectly fit into the business style. For example, a white T-shirt, a pink jacket and blue half-fitting jeans with holes on their knees will be an excellent option for business and creative personalities.

It is equally attractive and stylish to look like a combination with a skirt that can also reflect the mood of its owner. For example, for a romantic spirit, the ideal option would be a short flared model with a delicate floral print. For the everyday image it is worth giving preference to a straight denim skirt, but for an important event a long chiffon product is suitable.

And, of course, a white fitted t-shirt is an ideal option for a female black jacket. This classic combination will always look winning and elegant. Adding an image of tight pants, you can get a business or office look. But if you put a shirt on top of a T-shirt, then a jacket and complement the ensemble with boyfriends and bright high-heeled shoes, then attention will be paid to this alongside.