Chebureks - the recipe of preparation

Chebureks are a dish of Tatar cuisine, which won many admirers in the CIS countries. Cheburek is a pie from unleavened dough with meat. In the chebureki add spicy condiments, sometimes cheese. Fry in a lot of vegetable oil. Thanks to a large number of outlets selling chebureks, these pies are loved by both adults and children. Indeed, buying a cheburek is not a problem. But how to cook homemade chebureks? This question worries many women who want to diversify the family menu.

Currently, there are a lot of recipes for cooking chebureks. Different housewives use different dough to make chebureks, change the composition of the filling. However, there is a recipe for the preparation of regular chebureks - traditional, the replacement of ingredients in which is unacceptable.

How to cook chebureks at home?

Like most dough products, the preparation of a cheburek can be divided into three stages: the preparation of the dough, the preparation of the filling and, in fact, the frying of the cheburek.

1. The recipe for chebureks. The following products are required for preparation of the dough:

Add salt and oil to the water and boil. Slowly add half of the flour to the boiling water, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Bring the dough to a thick sour cream and cool it. In the cold dough, add the egg and the remaining flour and mix well. The dough should be soft and not stick to your hands. If necessary, you can add more flour. The dough should be insisted for at least an hour, once mixed and left for another hour.

2. Stuffing for chebureks. Ingredients:

Meat along with onions should be ground in a meat grinder. In the mince add water, salt, spices and pepper. All mix well. The stuffing should turn out dense and not spread.

3. Preparation of chebureks. Before you start making chebureks, you need to mix the present dough. After that, from the dough to separate small portions, roll them into a thin pancake and spread the stuffing. It is necessary to glue the edges well, so that there are no seams - for this you can use the edge of the plate. Fry the chebureks should be in a saucepan, in a lot of oil, over medium heat. When the cheburek becomes golden, it should be removed and laid out on a napkin to get rid of excess fat, then the chebureks are delicious and juicy. Finished chebureks can be seen in the photo.

Small secrets of cooking chebureks:

Now you know how to make chebureks at home. Perhaps for the first time you will not get real chebureks. But do not despair! Practice and hone your skill in preparing this dish, and chebureks will always please you and your loved ones.