Recipe lobio in Georgian from red beans

Lobio is not only the Georgian name of the bean itself, but also the dishes prepared from it. As a rule, it is stewed beans, which can be served simply or chopped, in addition to vegetables and fresh bread. In this material, we will share with you a recipe for lobio from red beans.

Lobio from beans in Georgian - recipe

In the classical variation of lobio, there is no place for superfluous ingredients like meat, traditional spices, vegetables, herbs are added to beans: cilantro, garlic, onion, fenugreek and so on.



Before cooking, the beans should be soaked for about a couple of hours, after which the liquid is drained, and the beans are cooked to softness together with the bay leaves. Grind the onion, fry it and put it in a stupa together with garlic, coriander greens, fenugreek and a pinch of coarse salt. Pound the ingredients into a paste. Red beans must be cleaned with a little liquid. Add the onion and garlic mixture to the bean puree and pour 200 ml of water. Put the lobio in Georgian from the red beans to the fire and cook for 7 minutes.

Recipe for Georgian lobio with tomato beans

In a modified version of the recipe, the beans are extinguished with vegetables such as carrots, leeks / onions and tomatoes. Such a dish has gone from the original not too far, but it differs with a softer and varied taste.



Nut kernels turn into a crumb and a half of all the oil with a blender. The remaining half is used for dressing vegetables. As soon as the latter become golden, add greens and paprika, and after a minute, pour the beans and pour it with 3 liters of water. After boiling, reduce heat to medium and cook beans for 2 1/2 hours. After a while, take some of the beans, beat them with a blender and return them to the brazier. In the final, add walnut puree, herbs and vinegar. Season everything to taste, serve with lavash.

Lobio from Georgian beans can be made in a multivark, for this, first fry the vegetables in "Baking", and after adding the liquid, switch to "Quenching" for the same period of time.

Lobio from canned beans in Georgian

In order to shorten the cooking time, you can use canned red, white beans or a mixture of them.



Drain the excess liquid from the canned beans and leave it. Grind and salvage the onion. Nutty Kernels turn blender into a paste. Add the roast to the nuts, put the chili garlic cloves, fenugreek and coriander. Cut the nut mixture with the beans in the mashed potatoes, add a little of the left liquid to reduce the density of the mixture. Place the lobio on the stove and leave to boil for 10 minutes after boiling. Ready lobio is served with pieces of pita bread.

Taking this recipe as a basis, you can also prepare lobio from beans in Georgian with chicken, for this, preliminary disassemble the boiled chicken into fibers, and then add it during the warming up of the dish.