Tkemali sauce at home

Such sauce is sold in every market, but tkemali, which is cooked at home or that is brought from Georgia, is especially tasty.

Georgian tkemali sauce - a classic recipe



In the bottom of a wide pot, lay the sprigs of cilantro and mint. To them we add umbrellas of dill, which are sprinkled with ground coriander. Over the whole of this green cushion, we evenly place acidic plum trees. We add water to the pan and put it on the included plate. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and plum up to a point until they break and the inner flesh does not become limp. Remove the pan from the plate and move its contents into a colander, under which we put a clean container to collect the remains of the broth. When the plums cool down, manually rub the pulp through a colander until it has nothing left but bones, branches and skins.

In the mashed puree we introduce strained spicy broth, garlic, finely chopped red pepper, sugar and salt, passed through the press. Mix and place the tkemali again on the hotplate and in the same fire mode as the plums were boiling, cook the sauce for about 20 minutes. Before eating a ready tkemali, we recommend that it cool well.

Tkemali sauce from cherry plums at home - a recipe for winter



Properly prepare banks with metal lids, scalding them with steam.

We divide the rinsed ripe cherry plum into slices, taking out the bones. Place the plum in a pan with a thick bottom, sprinkle it with the kitchen salt and let the fruit stand for about half an hour. Now we rearrange the pan on the burner of the included plate and even till half an hour cook it in the separated juice. Transfer the boiled slices of the fruit into a metal sieve and wipe it, picking the mashed potatoes in a clean saucepan. We put everything again on the stove and boil the puree from the rubbed cherry plum to the consistency of sour cream. Then we enter here the greens scrolled through the meat grinder, peeled hot pepper and young garlic. Sprinkle all the sweet paprika, stir and strain the tkemali on a weak fire for 7 minutes. We distribute the sauce over small jars, which are then sealed.

Recipe for plum sauce tkemali at home



We divide pure plums with a sharp knife into halves, and throw out the stones. We shift the lobules into a stainless steel saucepan, add drinking water and set to cook. After 15 minutes, when the plums are already fully brewed, we move them from the pan to a deep colander, collecting about half the glass of broth. The cream itself, now move into a large bowl of blender and thoroughly beat until a mellow smoothie. In a smaller bowl of the blender, place the peeled garlic, three kinds of finely chopped greenery, green hot pepper and grind everything with a blender until smooth. We shift everything into a large bowl, additionally introduce salt, hops-suneli, fine sugar and whisk everything now with plums. From the blender we spread the sauce into a comfortable saucepan and let it sink for about 15 minutes. This sauce can be spread over glass, sterile containers and left for the winter, and you can enjoy it right now.