Mexican soup with corn

Mexican corn soup is prepared quite quickly and simply! There are several options for its preparation, but the basis is always the same - chicken broth and canned corn! On request, you can add your favorite vegetables: Bulgarian pepper, onion, celery or any fresh herbs. We'll tell you today how to make delicious and quick Mexican soup with corn, and then you'll fantasize for health!

Mexican corn soup with nachos



So, we clean the onion, shred the semicircles, and clean the celery, cut into pieces and stew the prepared ingredients in a small amount of oil 3 minutes. We pour broth into the blender bowl, put canned corn without juice and vegetables. Grind the mixture to a homogeneous state, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Next, we dilute the starch in a glass of the remaining broth, mix it and add it gradually to the soup. Salting the dish to taste and cook, stirring, for 7 minutes. Chicken meat cut into pieces and a little warmed in the microwave. Ready Mexican corn soup spilled on plates, add broken chips and meat!

Mexican milk soup with corn



Chicken fillet washed, pour a small amount of water, bring to a boil, remove scum, salt to taste and cook for about 30 minutes. Then broth filter, and cut the meat into cubes. Bulb and sharp pepper is cleaned, cut into small pieces and pass on the heated oil 2 minutes, and then add the corn along with the juice and cook for another 7 minutes.

Next, half a serving of the vegetable mixture is put into a blender, pour in a little broth and crush everything to a puree state. After this, we pour it into clean dishes, dilute with milk and bring to a boil. Now pour out the remaining broth, put vegetables and chicken pieces, season with spices, sprinkle with chopped dill and pour into plates.

Mexican soup with corn and sweet pepper



Tomatoes scalded with boiling water, remove the cuticle and cut the flesh into cubes. Sweet pepper, onions are processed, shredded finely and wessed on the warmed oil. After that, add tomatoes and corn, pour in water and tomato juice. We bring everything to the boil, season with spices and cook for another 5 minutes.