Indian fried bread puri

Fried cakes of puri are part of a traditionally Indian breakfast, or a light dinner. Flat bread swells when frying in oil, and the cavity serves to put stuffing into it. Cakes are not only a traditional part of the vegetarian table, but also have a ritual meaning, as they are brought as gifts to the Indian gods.

Puri are served independently, or with curry, or bahaji. The recipe of the latter we will consider in more detail.

Puri's Recipe

Indian purian flat cakes are made from plain wheat flour, a small amount of salt and water. Also in the dough you can add a drop of vegetable oil.

Please note that before frying the cake, the oil needs to be warmed up well, so that the dough does not absorb excess fat and does not become caked.



Wheat flour sifted into the bowl in a bowl and mixed with salt. Gently knead the dough, slowly adding hot water to it. As a result, we get a fairly dense lump, which must be mixed for 5-7 minutes. Now the basis for puri can be wrapped with an oilcloth and left in the refrigerator for 30-35 minutes, so that the gluten of flour swells and the dough becomes soft and elastic.

The finished dough can be divided into balls of approximately the same size, and you can roll the sausage and cut it in portions. Now roll the dough into thin lozenges and fry in a lot of oil on both sides until golden brown. In the process of cooking, puri will swell and become like golden balls.

We put the finished puri on a napkin to get rid of excess fat, and then we serve it to the table instead of the usual bread, or we eat separately, with chutney , or with milk or tea.

Puri bhaji

Bhaji - this is a traditional Indian dish, which is served to the table solely with puri cakes. Usually bhaji is a roast of a variety of vegetables, but the most popular options are prepared from onions, tomatoes, or potatoes. The recipe for the latest variety of Indian dishes, we gladly share with you.



My potato and cook in uniforms. Soft tubers are peeled and cut. In a frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil and fry it with cumin, mustard and black mash until the mash begins to darken.

We chop the onions and put them in a frying pan with spices, fry until soft and add the grated root of ginger and chili. Fry the contents of the frying pan for another 1 minute, add the curry leaves, turmeric and asafoetida. The last in the pan is sliced ​​potatoes and chopped coriander. Fill the contents of the frying pan with water and salt. Stew under cover for 5-6 minutes on a small fire. Ready bhaji should not be dry, it should remain moisture.

Now the dish can be sprinkled with the remains of crushed coriander, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve to the table with a ruddy cake of puri, boiled rice and a small amount of curry with yoghurt. The dish is eaten not ceremoniously, directly with bare hands, tearing the necessary ingredients with a flat cake and sending straight into the mouth.

Try, you will certainly like to combine the bread of puri with a variety of dishes.