Lecho - a dish that comes from Hungarian culinary traditions, is now popular in many countries. In some ways, this dish is reminiscent of the French ratatouille.
Lecho does not have a fixed formula, but its invariable and obligatory components are sweet peppers, tomatoes and onions. In addition, the Hungarian lecho may include other ingredients (for example, pork, sausage, chicken eggs) and various vegetables, including, for example, carrots, zucchini and cucumbers.
In Russia and the rest of the post-Soviet space the lecho recipe has been subjected to practical reconsideration over time, this dish, as a rule, is cooked very thickly, in a vegetarian version and harvested for the winter.
Tell you how to prepare lecho from cucumbers, and how to prepare it for the winter.
Recipe lecho of cucumbers with sweet peppers and tomatoes
- small cucumbers - 1 kg;
- ripe red tomatoes - about 500 g;
- sweet pepper - 5 pcs .;
- hot red pepper - 1 pc .;
- garlic - 5-8 denticles;
- onion - 2 pcs .;
- carrots - 1 piece;
- seeds of coriander and dill and sweet pepper;
- cloves;
- Bay leaf;
- vegetable oil;
- salt.
Peeled onions and carrots lightly fry or save in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat. Oils do not regret.
Tomatoes, sweet and bitter pepper let's go through the meat grinder (or use a blender, combine). The resulting mixture is salted to taste, add all the spices and, stirring, bring in a saucepan to a boil. We place the same cucumber cut into slices, after which we cook for another 3 minutes. Add onion-carrot sauteing.
We put garlic in sterilized cans, and then - vegetable mix with cucumbers. We close the cans with sterilized lids. We put in a basin of water and sterilized for 20 minutes after the boiling water in the pelvis. We twist or roll up the lids and put the cans upside down. Cover with an old coverlet until completely cooled. We store canned food at plus temperature. In the cold season, especially at the end of winter and early spring, these vegetable preparations are good for our menu.
By the way, instead of or together with cucumbers you can use to prepare lecho young zucchini.
Instead of tomatoes in cooking lecho of cucumbers for the winter, you can use tomato paste , in this version, before boiling, dilute tomato paste with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Try to choose tomato paste without canning additives, this product - in itself an excellent preservative.
Recipe lecho of cucumber for conservation for the winter
- cucumber - about 2.5 kg;
- tomatoes - about 1.5 kg;
- sweet pepper - about 0,5 kg;
- garlic - 5-12 denticles;
- vinegar 5-9% - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons;
- vegetable oil - 50 ml;
- sugar - 100 g;
- red hot pepper;
- seeds of coriander and dill;
- salt - 2 tbsp. spoons with a "slide".
Remove the stems and seeds of pepper. Let's skip tomatoes and pepper through a meat grinder, chop garlic finely.
Lecho is served well with meat or fish dishes, as well as with rice, pasta and any other side dishes, including legumes, such combinations are especially interesting for vegetarians of different backgrounds.