Scraping of the uterus cavity

For many women, a doctor can prescribe scraping of the uterine cavity - medical, diagnostic or therapeutic and diagnostic.

Indications for curettage of the uterine cavity

Let's list the indications for curettage:

  1. Uterine bleeding . The procedure has not only a therapeutic effect, since removing all the contents of the uterine cavity helps it to contract, but also diagnostic, as the histological examination of the contents helps to establish the cause of the bleeding.
  2. Hyperplasia of the endometrium . In all hyperplastic processes, the disorders are usually hormonal, and the procedure itself is performed both to prevent possible bleeding and to diagnose the degree of hyperplasia.
  3. Suspicions of malignant degeneration in the endometrium . Very often, it is possible to suspect rebirth by dysfunctional bleeding, and it is possible to diagnose cancer at an early stage just after a histological examination of the contents of its cavity.
  4. Incomplete miscarriage . In the presence of ultrasound in the uterine cavity of the remains of the fetal egg, scraping of the uterus during miscarriage is carried out to stop bleeding and remove the residues that can cause inflammation in the uterine cavity.
  5. Placental polyp . Often, scraping of the uterine cavity after childbirth or abortion is performed to remove the placenta remains - the placental polyp.
  6. Re-scraping of the uterine cavity is prescribed for medical purpose, if it was not possible to achieve the result in one procedure. This curettage is repeated with bleeding, if the ultrasound in the uterine cavity finds the contents that causes it and was not removed by the first procedure.

Contraindications for curettage include acute inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, but if the inflammation is caused by the remnants of the placenta or membranes of the fetal egg, then only after curettage the symptoms of inflammation may disappear.

How is curettage of the uterine cavity done?

Scraping is performed under intravenous or local anesthesia. First, the external genitalia, vagina and cervix are treated with an antiseptic solution (for example, Lugol's solution). Introduce vaginal mirrors and expose the cervix, then fix it with bullet forceps. The cervical canal is gradually enlarged with metal extensions so that a curette can be inserted. It is slowly injected to the bottom of the uterus, and then grab and scrape the endometrium first along the front wall, then along the posterior and lateral. After scraping, remove the forceps and re-treat the mucous with an antiseptic. All the contents that the doctor received during scraping are placed in a 10% formalin solution and then sent to the laboratory for further histological examination.

Scraping of the uterine cavity - consequences

Within a few days after the procedure a woman needs to be under the care of a doctor. Normally, minor bloody or bloody mucus spotting is possible, which quickly stop, and the condition of the woman after curettage of the uterus cavity improves quickly. But if the discharge becomes purulent or blood clots and fresh blood appear in large quantities, it means that after curettage of the uterus cavity serious complications arose.

Among the possible complications are most often bleeding, endometritis or peritonitis, trauma to the uterus and neighboring organs. To prevent purulent complications, antibiotic treatment after curettage of the uterine cavity is often prescribed.

In the recovery period after curettage of the uterus, a woman should follow such recommendations: not to have sex for a month, do not use vaginal swabs for discharge, do not take drugs that dilute blood, avoid heavy physical exertion, do not syringe, do not take a bath, do not go to the sauna and swimming pool.