Rehabilitation after removal of the uterus

Hysterectomy (in medicine, so called removal of the uterus ) is a gynecological operation that is performed in cases when another treatment is ineffective. The doctor can prescribe this operation for a malignant tumor, for a pathology of the uterus, for its prolapse or omission, and other cases.

The uterus is removed by the following methods:

Which way to conduct the operation, the doctor decides.

How to recover after the removal of the uterus?

For a woman, and especially of childbearing age, this procedure is a huge stress. After all, after her, a woman can never become pregnant and give birth to children, her menstruation disappears, menopause occurs, the aging of the organism occurs more quickly.

The most frequent question that worries a woman is how to recover after removing the uterus. The length of the rehabilitation period depends on the method by which the operation was performed. The term of the woman's stay in the clinic is determined by the doctor. After surgery, the patient is prescribed to take painkillers. Some women are prescribed hormone therapy.

Already on the second - the third day after the operation the woman needs to do gymnastics: first you can lay in bed (strain and relax the muscles of the vagina), then stand straining the muscles of the press to create a strong skeleton of the abdomen. First weeks need to wear a postoperative bandage.

It happens that the patient as a rehabilitation after removal of the uterus requires the help of psychologists, psychotherapists. Some women are prescribed hormone therapy. A woman often experiences a breakdown, discomfort. Therefore, for her recovery after removal of the uterus, the support of close and dear people is very much needed. The psychological state plays an important role in recovery after surgery. If the patient is depressed, worried about her alleged inferiority, she doubts her feminine attractiveness, this can make rehabilitation difficult not only morally, but also in the physical.

It is extremely important fortifying measures to raise vitality and strengthen immunity. Here, physiotherapy, balanced nutrition, therapeutic massage, special therapeutic gymnastics are required, heavy loads are forbidden, swimming pool and sauna are forbidden. Even for recovery after surgery after removal of the uterus, doctors recommend a sanatorium treatment.