Coriander honey - healthy properties

Useful properties of coriander honey are better known in the southwestern regions of Russia, Ukraine and Crimea. That is, in those places where coriander grows. It should be noted that getting honey is not so simple. The assembly of nectar is complicated by the fact that the flowers have a specific smell.

Bees reluctantly collect pollen from flowers. Perhaps it's the stiff aroma of essential oils and the sharp spicy smell. Also, apparently, for this reason, coriander honey has an unusual dark amber color. And if you try it, you can feel a strange taste, like a mixture of caramel with some medicine. In general, honey, of course, is more suitable for fans of something unusual.

Why is coriander honey useful?

One color of the honey mass indicates a large content in the product of elements such as iron and manganese. A taste - the rich content of essential oils in it. Coriander honey is liquid only in the beginning, after a couple of months the pumped honey begins to crystallize, gradually turning into that dark coarse-grained mass offered to us by the sellers.

It is worth noting that honey does not harden with time. Due to its useful properties, honey is used not only as a sweet treat, but also as a remedy for medicinal purposes . First of all, the microelements contained in this honey are needed for hematopoiesis.

Properties of coriander honey

The product affects the work of internal organs. It should be used for various ailments:

When is it recommended to use coriander honey?

Here's more than useful honey from coriander besides taste qualities. He is able to eliminate many of our ailments:

Many people advise taking coriander honey as a folk remedy for the treatment of helminthiasis. And honey helps with flatulence.

If you look at this list, it becomes clear why in ancient times this product was attributed a miracle force, despite the specificity of taste and smell. And if you ask - what is the harm and benefit of coriander honey, it becomes clear that there is no harm from it, except the possibility of increasing sugar in the blood because of sugar in the jam. Or there may be an individual intolerance to the product.