How to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery?

The question of how to cure an ovarian cyst without an operation, is of interest to almost every woman who is confronted with this disease. That is why the number of different years of methods and methods of traditional medicine every year becomes only more. Let's take a closer look at how to cure a cyst without performing a surgical procedure, and in what cases it is realistic.

In what situations can the ovarian cyst be treated without surgery?

First of all, it must be said that only functional types of cysts respond to non-surgical treatment; those in the basis of which development is the violation of follicle formation. The reason for this, as a rule, is the changes in the hormonal system. That is why the basis of drug therapy for this disease is hormonal drugs.

How can I cure the ovarian cyst non-surgically?

Treatment of this kind of disease should be comprehensive, and along with the use of hormonal drugs includes the implementation of physiotherapy procedures.

Along with medicines, women often resort to the help of medicinal plants. Consider several recipes, with which you can cure such a common disorder, as an ovarian cyst, without surgery:

The most popular in such cases is the boric uterus, from which a decoction is prepared. To do this, just take 1 tablespoon of the above grass, pour 250 ml of boiling water and cook on a water bath for half an hour. After the decoction, insist for at least 3 hours, before covering the container with a lid. Then filter and begin to take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

Not bad help to cope with the disease and herbal preparations. For their preparation use a sheet of currant, nettle, peppermint, elecampane root, nettle, wormwood, shepherd's bag, yarrow, chamomile. The course of treatment of this collection lasts at least 2 months.

There is also a mass of other folk methods that help cope with the disease. However, we want to remind once again that they are really effective only with functional cysts.