Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies is the most popular recipe

Pneumonia or pneumonia is a disease that affects the work of the airways. In this disease, characteristic symptoms appear in the form of general weakness, fever, coughing, nasal congestion. The disease can have serious complications. Therefore, with this diagnosis, antibiotics are often prescribed. Despite this, the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies is still possible, and the most popular recipe is a decoction of honey and birch buds.

Folk recipes for the treatment of pneumonia

Broth of honey and birch buds

All components can be bought in a supermarket and a pharmacy.


Preparation and use

Honey is poured into a small metal container and brought to a boil. Kidneys are added and cooked for another seven minutes. After this, using a screen, you need to separate the liquid and solid elements. Allow to cool completely. Keep refrigerated. The resulting mixture is given to the patient once a day before bedtime. To do this, one teaspoon of the solution is mixed in 100 ml of water. You need to apply the medicine until full recovery. This popular prescription for the treatment of pneumonia is most often prescribed to children.

Tar water


Preparation and use

Bring water to a boil. In a glass jar pour a half liter of tar and pour the remaining space with boiling water. Close the lid tightly and tie it so that the odor does not fade. The resulting liquid is left for nine days in a warm place. Do not filter. Treatment for pneumonia in an adult with this folk prescription, as a rule, takes several months. For this you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. before bedtime. Children's dosage is less - 1 tsp. The mixture can be seized with sugar or candy, but in no case should not drink with water.

Broth of dogrose with pneumonia

This remedy helps to strengthen the body in general.


Preparation and use

Berries pour into the water, cover and put on a slow fire. Bring to a boil and cook for another ten minutes. Then you need to insist for another three hours. The resulting broth is filtered. Take 150 ml twice a day.

Honey pack


Preparation and use

Water should be mixed with vodka. Wipe the napkin with the resulting solution, but so that it was only damp. Affected place on the body is smeared with honey, and a napkin is applied from above. In addition, the compress can be covered with polyethylene and a woolen scarf.