The correct technique of running

Running, like walking, is a natural state of the body. But, no matter how simple the action, there is such a thing as the technique of proper running. And for beginning runners this is the basis of the basics. After all, when running correctly, you can avoid unnecessary strain on the joints and spine, and make training more effective.

Technique of proper running

There are some rules, how to run properly, and accordingly a certain technique of running.

Try to keep the fluctuations up and down to a minimum. As sharp impacts on the treadmill lead to increased stress on the spine and joints.

Try to put the feet parallel to each other. Let's assume a small angle between the toes. This will prevent the swaying from sideways to sideways, which also saves the skeleton from unnecessary loads.

Correctly place the foot on the floor - try to evenly distribute the load on it. This will significantly relieve your joints. Also, it is worthwhile to put a little strain on the foot when touching the ground.

Practical method determine the convenient step length for you. Too short a step does not give the right tone to the muscles, and a too long step increases the risk of landing on a straight leg, which can lead to injury.

Do not forget about the correct posture - keep your head straight, your back straight. Hands bend at the elbows at a right angle, and brush only slightly compress.

Of course, without proper breathing, training will not be either pleasant or successful. You need to breathe freely, easily and rhythmically.

Very often beginners run into the problem of breathing. Here are some tips on how to breathe properly when running:

  1. You need to breathe the diaphragm, that is, the stomach, not the thoracic area. First it is necessary to get used to this method when walking, and then go on to run.
  2. If you are just starting to run, then inhale-exhale in two steps. When you have a little practice, you can breathe every three to four steps.
  3. When running in winter, breathing is only through the nose. This will help you avoid various colds and infectious diseases.

The correct breathing during running can be divided into three types: breathing through the nose, mixed breathing (inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth) and breathing with the mouth. It is recommended to breathe through the nose, but at the initial stage you can still breathe through the nose and mouth. Proper breathing during running is a guarantee of easy running and, as a result, the recovery of the body.

There are also various running programs. Begin with small distances - 1-2 km per run, gradually increasing the length. Running alternating with walking.

Do not overload your body, do not make an endurance training . Remember this and run to your health!