American Bulldog - description of the breed

The first information about this breed appeared in the late nineteenth century. English Bulldog - a breed that has remained virtually untouched by time, it has retained its main characteristics as much as possible.

Over the past 40 years or so, there are two varieties of the American Bulldog breed: the Johnson type (Classical) and the Scott type (Standard). The first type is distinguished by a large body, short muzzle and well developed guarding instincts. For the second type is characterized by smaller overall dimensions, but more athletic structure of the trunk, elongated muzzle and pronounced instinct of pursuit. In the standard of the American Bulldog breed, the external description of the dog is described in great detail, as well as features of its character. Even in this document, the shortcomings of these animals are described, among them: excessive aggressiveness or excessive timidity. The American Bulldog breed standard has several revisions, the latter of which is more loyal and soft, does not contain strict requirements for shortcomings and does not require subsequent disqualification at exhibitions and contests, if any.

American Bulldog - a description of the nature of the breed

American Bulldog dogs, despite their harsh description, have a fairly friendly character and deep love for their family members. These dogs are friendly to strangers, and also very sensitive to children. However, if they are not brought up from an early age, the superiority syndrome that takes place in the character of the dog will interfere with the normal relationship between the pet and the host, as well as with other dogs. Characteristics of the American Bulldog breed presents him as a reliable friend and watchman, an excellent companion. As history shows, these animals, with their normal development and training, have a very developed sense of spiritual intimacy, as well as attachment to their master. To get a dog of breed American bulldog is recommended to the strong-willed and purposeful people.