What to feed wavy parrots, except food?

We all know that in the pet stores they are selling ready-made dry mixtures for parrots. But is this food enough for them, or should their diet be more diverse? This question should be asked by each caring and loving owner.

What do the parrots eat except for food?

In fact, the diet of a parrot should be very, very diverse. In addition to dry feed , they need fresh, moist foods - fruits, vegetables, greens, sprouted feeds, rich in nutrients and vitamins. In addition, they need sources of calcium - fat-free cottage cheese, boiled eggs, crumbled chalk or pounded calcium chloride tablets. But first things first.

Allowed vegetables: carrots, turnip, pumpkin, melon, zucchini, squash, watermelon, beet, tomato, corn, cucumber, beans, green peas, lettuce, spinach, sweet pepper, cabbage. All this food is necessary for parrots except feed as a source of many useful substances, microelements, vitamins.

Of the forbidden vegetables - celery, eggplant, garlic, onion, spicy and sharp vegetables, radish.

From fruits to the parrots you can give an apple, pear, citrus, plums, grapes, peaches, bananas, apricots, cherries, cherries, berries (raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, dogrose, strawberries, strawberries, lingonberries), pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate.

Previously, all fruits and berries need to be washed well, some - peeled. Put them better in a separate feeder, as, indeed, the rest of the food.

It is forbidden to give parrots such fruits: avocado, mango, persimmon, papaya. They can cause intoxication and poisoning.

There is still a lot of what you can feed wavy parrots , except feed. This, for example, grass: clover, burdock, plantain, carrot tops, quinoa, meadow grasses. Do not give the birds parsley, dill, hyssop, coriander, celery, that is, spicy and fragrant herbs.

Mineral feeding for parrots

To your parrot was healthy, in its cage must be present mineral components. These include: