Ringworm in cats

Lishay is a fairly common skin disease in cats. The danger of it is that it can be transferred from the beloved pet to his master.

This disease occurs most often in homeless, domestic cats, but domesticated seals can easily pick up this unpleasant disease. If your cat accidentally hurt the foot, walking on the lawn, then it automatically endangered, we will get infected by depriving. The causative agents of this skin disease are sufficiently resistant to external factors and have a great degree of adaptation to any habitat. That is why lichen pathogens can live for several years.

And now let's figure out how to recognize the lichen in cats and determine its symptoms.

Symptoms of depriving a cat

So, how does the deprivation of a cat show up? The incubation period in pathogens lasts from several days to several months. At first you may not notice anything strange. However, in the course of time, the symptoms of deprivation will still appear, they will disturb the cat. You can observe small bald patches on the wool. At first they can be barely noticeable, but then they will appear more clearly and necessarily increase in size. Bald areas of the skin will have redness and signs of peeling. You will see that the cat does not like it. She will try in every possible way to lick these places, which is strictly forbidden to her, otherwise the spots will spread further. In fluffy cats and completely depriving the symptoms in the first stages can not be noticed. Therefore, you need to pay close attention to the coat of your pet. If she began to thinning for no particular reason in some places, it is better to show the cat to the vet. It should also be remembered that it is impossible to diagnose lichen alone only in appearance. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to show the pet to a specialist who will conduct special tests.

For a common understanding, let's look at the types of diseases that are divided into cats.

Types of hair loss in cats

The disease depriving cats is divided as follows into these types:

  1. Microsporia .
  2. Trichophytosis .

Depending on the name of the parasite-pathogen of the disease "microsporum canis" and "trichophyton", respectively. In both cases, the symptoms of disease manifestation are the same. It is with the goal of proper treatment and it is necessary to conduct clinical studies.

A cure for cats

As a medicine for lichen apply ointments - Tiabendazole and Miconazole. These ointments are applied to the affected parts of the body in the cat released from the hair. To shear hair should be also neat, in order not to contribute to the increase of spots. In addition to the ointments of a cat, you must follow a diet that will help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria and vitamin in the body. With more serious damage to the skin of the cat deprived, you can use an unpleasant procedure - a tub of sulphurous lime. These very baths are very effective drug procedure against lichen. The cat is true, for some time the color of the coat may change and it will not smell from it either, but the lichen will be defeated. If a cat has a sufficiently neglected stage of deprivation (for example, claws are affected), then as a medicine it is necessary apply preparations of internal use.

After you thought that the cat was cured it should certainly be shown to the veterinarian, because, only with the help of an appropriate analysis can he determine the real degree of her recovery. But winning a disease is not all. Remember the phrase: "winning a fight does not mean winning a war". Therefore, you should consider how to warn your pet from such troubles as lichen. In this regard, experts will help you, who, with the help of a special vaccine against cats, can instill an animal. Thus, having developed in his body immunity to such parasites.