Loyalty - ways to increase customer loyalty

The new business faces many challenges:

  1. Attraction of new clients. It is the most costly and complex.
  2. Organization of service. This task covers the technical process of selling goods or providing services and on it depends whether the consumer will return to the company or not.
  3. Customer loyalty. The success and development of the company directly depends on how many people return for goods or services.

What is loyalty?

If you take statistics on start-ups , it turns out that 80% of enterprises are closed in the first year. Obviously, they simply did not manage to make their consumers loyal. Satisfied customers return to shopping again and again and become convinced "lawyers" of the brand. Let's see what loyalty means. Loyalty is:

Loyalty in marketing

Marketing of any company should be focused mainly on making its customers permanent also because the cost of retaining consumers is 5-10 times less than attracting new ones. If the product or service has an attractive price, excellent quality, the sales process works like a clock, then such a business will grow. Therefore, the main task of the marketer is to not only attract buyers, but also to keep. To do this, use:

And the sympathy can be to:

If there are two components of commitment at the same time, then this is double loyalty, which increases the commitment and profit of the enterprise. Every marketer should strive for complete satisfaction - when customers like not only the product or service, but also employees and the enterprise as a whole.

What is customer loyalty?

The Internet has increased tens of times in tens times - the goods can be easily realized in any city of the country. Therefore, in the struggle for the consumer, companies develop whole loyalty programs. What is loyalty to the company? This is a positive attitude of the buyer to the company, based on emotional attachment. A loyal customer deliberately chooses a company, even if:

Increase customer loyalty

There are many ways of increasing the commitment of customers to the company. But if we select the main ones, then the following factors influence the increase of customer loyalty:

Types of customer loyalty

Loyalty of buyers is divided into:

  1. Behavioral . This type of relationship is distinguished by a lack of emotional attachment , i.e. Purchase is carried out under the influence of advertising or "tasty price." For the assessment, indicators such as:
    • average check size;
    • repeated purchases.
  2. Perceived . It is directly related to the emotional component. This indicator reflects the preferences of consumers, their opinion. The buyer is maximally involved in the brand and makes purchases constantly.
  3. Integrated . The indicator of integrated loyalty combines behavioral and perceived and fully reflects the attitude of consumers to the company's proposal.

Increasing loyalty is not an obvious, but the main task of any business if it wants to stay afloat and prosper. To its solution should be attracted significant human and financial resources of any company. Russian marketers often try to attract buyers with large discounts instead of implementing a thoughtful attachment program.