Ointment with antibiotic

Many diseases are associated with the activity of bacteria that have penetrated into the body. Combating inflammation and other manifestations of microorganism activity is necessary by including antimicrobial agents in therapy. Ointment with antibiotic is the most effective dosage form in the fight against inflammation, suppuration, burns and other skin lesions. Such a medicine allows you to speed up the healing process and prevent the formation of scars.

Wound healing ointment with antibiotic

Any minor cut and minute skin damage becomes a conduit for infections. To prevent the penetration of bacteria, it is necessary to treat the wounds with antiseptics. After three days, it is possible to apply special antimicrobial agents such as:

  1. Levomekol. The most well-known antibacterial ointment, which quickly copes with the source of infection, draws out all pus, eliminates inflammation, activates cell growth and accelerates the regeneration of tissues.
  2. Baneocin. A drug based on two antimicrobial substances (neomycin and bacitran). The powerful bactericidal action of the ointment makes it effective in the treatment of deep cuts, burn wounds, and also as decontamination of postoperative sutures.
  3. Dioxydin. It is another ointment with an antibiotic used to treat and heal festering wounds. Dioxydin is also effective against burn injuries. The drug is active against a variety of pathogens (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other organisms) with which other drugs can not cope.

Active substances of ointments with antibiotic from abscesses and wounds deeply penetrate under the skin, so there is no resorptive effect. The duration of the therapeutic effect can last up to ten hours. Because these drugs are applied up to three times a day.

Ointment with antibiotic from boils

Purulent inflammation, flowing in the hair follicle and tissues around it, are called furuncles. This disease is a consequence of the activity of staphylococci. To suppress their activity, patients are prescribed antibiotics, in the form of tablets, as well as ointments.

Lubricating ointment is allowed only pre-treated antiseptic problem areas. The agent is applied to a napkin, which is fastened with plaster to the boil.

The most popular drugs are:

Ointment with an antibiotic against acne

The use of ointments with antibacterial components allows to normalize the state of the epidermis as early as the second day. The most effective are combined agents that have, in addition to other antimicrobial agents, other active components:

Ointment with an antibiotic against streptoderma

The disease is formed in the process of penetration into wounds and abrasions of microbes. Therefore, in complex therapy it is important to use drugs that are effective against streptococci. Among them there are:

Ophthalmic ointments with broad-spectrum antibiotic

To combat pathologies that result from infection with pathogens, ointments are assigned to which these bacteria are susceptible: