Tuberculosis of the kidneys

About tuberculosis of the kidneys is not so often heard as about the disease that affects the lungs. And yet this disease affects patients around the world. Women and men are subject to the same degree of disease. Children from her suffer much less.

How is tuberculosis transmitted?

Any tuberculosis causes mycobacteria. From a patient to a healthy person, the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, first of all the infection of the broncho-pulmonary system occurs. From there, Koch's wand can move to any organ through the blood or lymphatic system.

Since the causative agent of diseases is one, tuberculosis of the kidneys is also contagious. Of course, patients with a broncho-pulmonary form of illness for others are a great danger. But patients with nephrotuberculosis become disseminators of mycobacteria.

Causes and symptoms of kidney tuberculosis

The factors that determine tuberculosis infection are:

In addition, kidney tuberculosis can develop against a background of traumatic injuries of organs located near the kidneys: intestines, ureters, pancreas, adrenals.

There are no specific symptoms in nephrotuberculosis. Recognize the disease can be on such grounds:

Diagnosis and treatment of kidney tuberculosis

Diagnosis of the disease will help a comprehensive examination. The patient will have to pass urine and blood tests, make a computer and magnetic resonance imaging. Sometimes patients are referred for angiography and nephroscintigraphy.

As in the case of pulmonary tuberculosis, treatment should be continuous and continuous. The fight against mycobacteria can drag on for a year or more. But only in this case it will be completely destroyed.

With nephrotuberculosis, only complex therapy can effectively cope, presupposing simultaneous administration of several antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators, compliance with diet and the passage of physiotherapy procedures.