Meat baked with pears

Virtually any meat to taste is well combined with pears, this fruit tells the dish special tastes. Different dishes based on this combination are not only harmonious, but also quite refined.

Tell you how to cook meat baked with pears. Choose large aromatic, juicy, ripe, but not soft pear fruits, which will be conveniently cut into large slices.

Recipe for pork baked with pears



Prepare the sauce: mix the juice of 1 lemon with the same amount of wine, add garlic and season with spices. Let's brew for 5-8 minutes and filter through a strainer.

A piece of meat should be dried with a napkin and made into it transverse incisions almost to the end (the approximate step frequency is about 0.7 mm). It turned out something like a book.

Now we will cut the pear with flat large slices, and immediately pour the sauce (then the pear does not darken and new gustatory tones will be added).

Put the prepared piece of meat on a sheet of foil the right size. We put pear slices into slits. Wrap-wrap tightly in a foil and place the package on a retractable baking tray from the oven. Bake the meat with pears in the oven at medium temperature for 1-1.3 hours, then unfold the foil to half and bake for another 20 minutes to allow the meat to brown.

We serve on an oval serving dish, decorating with greens and sprinkling with the rest of the sauce. Wine is better to serve the same thing that was used for the sauce.

Turkey, baked with pears



Prepare the sauce. Mix the wine and lemon juice, add the chopped garlic. Very quickly cut 1 peeled pear into small slices and add to the sauce. We rub in a blender and season with hot red pepper and nutmeg. We insist 5 minutes.

The breast is cut into 2 pieces along and with a sharp knife we ​​make the transverse incisions not to the end.

We cut the pears with flat longitudinal slices, immediately sprinkle them with lemon juice and put them into the cuts. Spread the pieces into a mold and pour the sauce abundantly. Bake in the oven for at least 1 hour, periodically sprinkled with wine. Serve with greenery, best with polenta .