Nutrition for pneumonia

Diet for pneumonia is an important condition for a speedy recovery. It is important not to take the strength from the body, but add them, choosing an easy, nutritious meal. Usually the patient is offered to start cleaning the stomach with a laxative, and then offer plenty of drink and light foods.

Nutrition for exacerbation of pneumonia

During this period, therapeutic nutrition for pneumonia should be selected with particular care. To do this, create a menu of these products:

The nutrition of a child with pneumonia consists of the same products, while it is important to consider that the appetite at this time is significantly reduced, and you need to convince the child at least to take the broth.

It is important to eat a fraction: approximately 5-6 times a day in small portions about 200-300 grams. This approach gives regular recharge to the body, but it does not take much energy from him, as does this plentiful three meals a day.

It is important to distribute the products correctly in a diet with pneumonia: for breakfast - porridge, for dinner - soup, for dinner - a little meat with a vegetable garnish, and between these basic meals to take broths, fruit drinks, juices, fruits. This approach allows you to quickly get on your feet.

Nutrition after pneumonia

Even when all the worst is over, the diet after pneumonia is still necessary, because the body has lost a lot of energy, and it needs restoration:

Of course, food should not be too abundant, so that the body can be harmoniously restored and not be distracted by the digestion of heavy food. In addition, any fried, fatty food is still not recommended.

This diet should be observed, at least for another two to three weeks after the final recovery, and only then can include those foods and methods of preparation that were previously banned. The main thing is to do this gradually, otherwise the body can "rebel" against such changes.