Nutrition for dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is the change in the normal microflora of the body, when its constituent microorganisms (intestinal and lactic acid rods, bifidobacteria and others) either decrease in quantity or disappear altogether, and their place is occupied by uncharacteristic microflora, atypical microorganisms (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, fungi of the genus Candida ).

Dysbacteriosis can appear due to intestinal infections, congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract, poor-quality or monotonous nutrition, a transferred operation or irradiation. However, until today, the main cause of dysbiosis remains the thoughtless use of antibiotics.

Early and most characteristic signs of dysbacteriosis: poor digestion of food, increased gas formation, loose stools, excessive weakness, increased fatigue. In the inflammatory process - pain, impurities in the stool. In more severe cases - dehydration and intoxication of the body, weight loss.

Proper nutrition with dysbacteriosis is one of the main components of your treatment. Here's what you need to do:

  1. To exclude from the diet all fat and sharp. This also means salted, marinated and pickled vegetables or home-made fruits.
  2. If possible, do not eat cakes, cakes, sweets and in general all foods with excessive sugar content - they provoke fermentation in the intestine.
  3. Do not drink water while eating. This prevents the complete digestion of food, because the gastric juice is diluted with water.
  4. Do not drink immediately after eating tea (coffee).
  5. Refuse alcohol. If for any reason it is difficult to do, choose only strong drinks (vodka, whiskey). Wine, beer or champagne cause an exacerbation - usually a swelling and rumbling of the intestine.
  6. Do not include in your diet salads from vegetables that contain a large percentage of fiber, such as cabbage, spinach, green salad, beets. Vegetable fiber is very irritating to the mucosa of the colon. In people with dysbacteriosis, this often provokes severe diarrhea (diarrhea).
  7. There are as many proteins as possible (better - meat). However, the meat should be either cooked or stewed. This recommendation does not apply to nutrition in putrefactive intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  8. Give up fresh bread, and there is only stale or semi-crusted bread.

In dysbacteriosis, nutritional treatment does not imply limiting the amount of food or observing strict time intervals in hours of intake. Eat as much as you want, and then, when you want it. The main thing is to listen to your body, because you simply do not have the best counselor.

Products that help the development of normal intestinal microflora

In the diet with dysbacteriosis, drugs that contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are needed - they restore the intestinal microflora.

Some products also help the development of normal intestinal microflora, so in nutrition with dysbacteriosis without them you can not do. This - milk whey, carrot juice, rice, pumpkin and potato extracts.

We list vegetative food, which can help with various types of dysbacteriosis:

  1. In his nutrition with staphylococcal dysbiosis, the sick person should include: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, garlic.
  2. Nutrition for candidiasis dysbiosis should contain: cowberry, mint, thyme, fennel, wild garlic.
  3. For nutrition with Protein dysbacteriosis, a sick person will benefit from: cranberries, onions, raspberries, currants, garlic.
  4. Cowberry, currant and caraway seeds are desirable to have in nutrition with putrefactive dysbacteriosis.
  5. In the diet with pseudomonas dysbacteriosis you must enter pepper red sweet, black currant.

In case of exacerbations, the main dishes in nutrition with intestinal dysbacteriosis in a sick person will be mucous soups on a weak broth or water, mashed porridges, crackers, sweet jelly, dried cherries and blueberries, strong tea. With the improvement in the menu, you can gradually add steam cutlets, meatballs, boiled fish, loose broth, and grated cottage cheese.

Nutrition for children with dysbiosis

The best medical nutrition for bacteriosis in infants remains mother's milk. To restore the microflora in the intestines of the baby, the mother can drink broths of chamomile, dill, dog rose, fennel. She must eat fresh fruits and vegetables - to support the vitamin balance of the child's body. A doctor's observation is necessary.

With regard to nutrition for bacteriosis in older children, their menu should include mashed vegetable mixes (mashed soups), mashed porridges, mucilage soups, dried bread, jelly, mashed apples of sweet varieties, low-fat grated cottage cheese, low-fat sour-milk drinks. Consultations with the doctor and in this case are mandatory.