Hortensia - planting and care in the open ground

If you like flowering shrubs, then undoubtedly your attention will attract hydrangea - one of the most spectacular plants. Particular attention deserves a panic hydrangea, which has a number of advantages over other varieties of hydrangeas. She is the most photophile. Care for a panic hydrangea in the garden is relatively simple.

Another advantage is its frost resistance: the plant can withstand temperatures of -30 ° C below zero.

The plant is very abundantly blooming, due to the fact that it has many shoots.

Landing hydrangeas in the open ground and care for it

It is very important to choose a suitable place for planting a hydrangea with a panicle. This variety likes to be in one place and reacts badly to transplantation, especially when the plant reaches adult age.

Since the plant is very hygrophilous, the soil should be chosen water-intensive. In addition, the soil must be acidic, but not in any case alkaline. Also, the panicle hydrangea does not tolerate the addition of manure and lime to the soil. It is best to add peat or humus to the soil. Plant hydrangea paniculate in the open ground can be when you are comfortable: both in spring and in autumn.

During planting, it should be borne in mind that the roots of the bush grow. Root boundaries far exceed the crown diameter. Therefore, if you plan to plant a few bushes, they should be located so that the distance between them is 2.5-3 m. The embankment for planting should be prepared not very deep.

To water a panic hydrangea, you need to use stagnant water. Watering should be carried out at least two buckets per week.

It is also necessary to feed the plant. At the same time, ashes must be excluded as ash and carefully treats nitrogen fertilizers, since they have the property of reducing frost resistance.

Care for a panicle hydrangea in autumn

The panicle hydrangea is distinguished by the presence of numerous inflorescences. Therefore, if heavy snow falls in winter, they pose a danger to the plant. Since the plant has brittle wood, the probability of breaking branches is high because of the snow.

Care of hydrangeas after flowering consists in the obligatory pruning of the inflorescences. It is also necessary to create a support for the branches and tie them to it. In addition, mandatory autumn work is carried out: the bushes are hilly at the bases, the soil is mulched with humus and peat in order to retain moisture for longer.

Since the panicle hydrangea is frost-resistant, it is not necessary to cover it for the winter.

Pruning Hydrangeas

If you want to get a beautiful decorative plant, you will be interested in information on the obtaining of the hydrangea form. Formation of the bast is given about 3-4 years. To do this, select a high healthy bush, which leaves the main shoot coming from the bottom. The remaining shoots in the summer time pinch. This technology helps to increase the main trunk in diameter. Then the non-main shoots are cut out. The main trunk is cut every year during the growing season to a well-developed kidney. When this trunk reaches a height of 1.5-2 m, the crown is laid. Observing such rules, in the end receive a plant of beautiful shape.

Observing the simple rules of planting and care, you can grow this wonderful shrub in your garden, which will please you with its numerous bright inflorescences and will become one of the main ornaments.