Cytomegalovirus infection - symptoms

Cytomegalovirus - a virus from the family of herpesviruses, which for a long time can be in the human body in a latent state. Once in the body, it can persist in it throughout life, standing out with saliva, urine and blood. How and under what conditions the symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection appear in women, we will consider further.

The provoking factors of cytomegalovirus infection

As already mentioned, cytomegalovirus can live in the human body in a latent state, that is, without manifesting itself and practically without causing harm. The transition of the disease to a clinically expressed form can occur due to the following factors:

In such cases, the immune system weakens, and favorable conditions for the activation of the virus appear. As a result, cytomegalovirus begins to show its symptoms.

The main symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection in women

Most often cytomegalovirus infection occurs with signs similar to the main manifestations of ARI:

It is also possible the appearance of skin rashes. However, the peculiarity of this disease lies in the fact that it has a long duration - up to 4 - 6 weeks.

In some cases, the symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection are similar to infectious mononucleosis:

The generalized forms of cytomegalovirus infection, which are rare enough, have the following manifestations:

Also, cytomegalovirus infection in women can be manifested by inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. It is possible inflammation and erosion of the cervix, inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, the vagina and the ovaries. In such cases, the infection manifests itself by such signs:

Such a course of cytomegalovirus infection is dangerous in pregnancy and threatens the likelihood of infection of the fetus.

Chronic cytomegalovirus - symptoms

Some patients have a chronic form of cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms in this case are weak or almost completely absent.

Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection

To diagnose this infection, a laboratory blood test and the determination of specific antibodies to the cytomegalovirus - M and G immunoglobulins - are performed. It should be noted that cytomegalovirus IgG is positive in the absence of symptoms in almost 90% of the population. This result means that the primary infection occurred more than three weeks ago. Exceeding the norm more than 4 times indicates activation of the virus. The result, in which IgM and IgG are positive, indicates a secondary activation of the infection.