Numbness of fingertips

Usually a person who has fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position may encounter such a common phenomenon as the numbness of the fingertips that appears in the report on the disturbed blood flow. As a rule, after a change of position, discomfort passes. However, sometimes these processes indicate the beginning of pathological changes in the body that require compulsory treatment.

Why there is numbness of fingertips?

Short-term tingling in the limbs - a frequent phenomenon. It all comes about when you just lay on your arm. Tingling and numbness of the fingertips in women in the position is explained by excessive swelling. Blood flow is difficult as a result of accumulation of fluid in the cells. Therefore, women should, if possible, exclude the use of water at night.

These cases are not dangerous, and to eliminate discomfort it is enough just to warm up, perform a couple of simple exercises for the brushes, which will help them to quickly find a normal state.

Deterioration of the sensitivity of the fingers, which is most often found in late spring, is provoked by avitaminosis . This is also evidenced by the peeling and dryness of the skin at the fingertips. This condition is most typical for people over 45 years old.

The numbness of the tips of the right arm or left hand (left-handers) appears as a result of an excessive load on the neuromuscular system, which is provoked by prolonged monotonous activity (embroidery, typing or knitting).

Other causes of numbness of fingertips

Raynaud's disease is one of the main causes of numbness in both hands. This is a serious ailment caused by problems with blood circulation. With emotional shocks and hypothermia, a person begins to shiver, and his hands turn pale. After an attack on the tissues, warmth comes in, and the skin acquires a familiar pink shade. Such a disease requires constant monitoring of a neurologist, a vascular surgeon and a psychotherapist, since often it leads to the withering away of the limbs.

Persons suffering from atherosclerosis in the presence of high cholesterol, and patients with constant blood pressure fluctuations, face the loss of sensitivity of the fingertips.

Numbness of the fingertips of the left arm, disturbing during sleep, speaks about possible pathologies of the heart muscle. In this case, most often the ring finger or little finger suffers, and the pain can go to the inside of the forearm.

In patients with diabetes mellitus numbness may indicate the presence of polyneuropathy. The patient, at the slightest increase in blood sugar levels, begins to feel unpleasant sensations in the limbs. At the same time, the situation is aggravated by anemia, a lack of vitamins in the body and certain specialties of the profession.