How to water violets at home?

Violets are very delicate and beautiful home flowers that require proper care and are especially fastidious to watering. If you do not know how and how many times you need to water violets , you run the risk of ruining plants.

How to water the room violets?

From the top, watering violets is impossible, since it is unacceptable to drop droplets of water on leaves and flowers. There are three main ways of watering violets:

  1. Lower watering, when water is poured into the pan in which there is a flower pot.
  2. Accurate watering under the flower from a thin spout of watering can.
  3. Fibrous watering, when water is poured into the drip tray and a strip of cloth or cord comes from it into the drainage hole of the pot. The pot itself does not touch the water. The moisture due to the capillary effect rises to the flower in the right amount.

It is difficult to say how to properly water room violets, all three methods are not bad. However, the latter has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the flower itself determines how much moisture it needs, especially in a changing humidity environment.

From the disadvantages of wick watering can be called that in the cold season the water in the pan can become cold, and this violets do not like. In addition, not all of its varieties accept this way of obtaining moisture.

How often to water violets at home?

With wick watering everything is clear, there only need to monitor the constant water level in the pan. But how many times a week need to water the violet, if you chose the lower or subsoil watering? It depends on many factors, such as the level of illumination, air humidity, the temperature in the apartment, the composition of the soil in the pot, the flowering, the age of the violet, the development of the root system, the size of the pot and the material of manufacture.

The drier the air and the higher its temperature, the more often it is necessary to moisten the earth. The easier the substrate in the pot, the faster it is dried. A developed root system requires more moisture. Young and the more blooming violets need constant moistening, whereas old plants need to be watered only when the top layer of the earth dries. In plastic pots, the earth dries longer, while in clayey pots it partially evaporates through the walls.

Importantly, and the right time for watering violets. First of all, it depends on the time of the year. In the spring and summer, active photosynthesis takes place, so that watering should take place in the early morning. In autumn and winter you can water in the afternoon.