Flower bride - all the subtleties of planting and care at home

A charming bride flower is very popular in home floriculture. There is a sign that if you give such a plant to the newlyweds for a wedding, then their family will be strong, cloudless happiness and love will reign in it.

What is the name of the flower of the bride?

It is interesting to know how the flower of the bride is called in another way, many people know him as "the bride and groom". The romantic name he received due to tender buds with innocent white, richly cornflower, lilac buds, similar to bells and associated with a young couple of lovers. The scientific name of the plant is Campanula, it refers to herbaceous cultures and does not require complex self-care.

Room flower bride - how to care?

The house flower "the bride and groom" is unpretentious, care of it is very simple. Plant it better in hanging flowerpots , since the campaign has dangling long shoots. How to care for a flower bride:

  1. Campanule likes the diffuse dim light in the dwelling, she even positively regards light shading.
  2. The room should often be ventilated, avoiding drafts.
  3. Quietly the flower of the bride also applies to dry air, but the spraying will be only happy. Irrigation is best done around the pot, sprinkling the air. This procedure is useful in the heating season.
  4. The leaves of the plant should always be kept clean in order to avoid damage by a spider mites or aphids.
  5. Watering the plant will require regular and abundant, but without swamping.
  6. The flower "bride and groom" is fed every 2 weeks by a complex special fertilizer for flowering crops on a liquid base (for example, "Kemira Lux").
  7. In spring, in order to prepare the plant for the next flowering cycle, the tips of the shoots are cut off. Carnivorous camellias cease to bloom, so the plant is important so rejuvenate. Cut should be when drying the leaves, stretching the shoots and when the flowers are rapidly growing green.
  8. In winter, the plant rests, watering it once a month, put in a cool place.

How to propagate the flower of the bride?

To breed a flower, the bride can use several breeding methods:

  1. Young shoots. In spring, a young shoot of 10 -20 cm is separated from the "heel". It is buried in an earth mixture, watered with Phytosporin, covered with a transparent container. Teplichku daily aired, after a month sprouts put in a well-lit place. The bushes grown 10-12 cm are plucked.
  2. For the plant, the propagation by cuttings was actual:
  1. At the end of summer, a well-ripened, strong, 5-6 cm shoot with 3-4 pairs of leaves is cut and placed on a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 7 hours. Then the cut is rearranged into clean water, where it takes root, and is planted in a peat-sand mixture.
  2. From above, to create a greenhouse effect, the germ is covered with a glass jar. It will need to be removed for 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening, then the time of finding the seedling in the fresh air is prolonged. After complete rooting of the plant (after 3-4 weeks), the greenhouse is removed.
  3. In a couple of weeks, the plants can be transplanted into a substrate for adult crops. From the beginning of February they can start to blossom.

How to transplant the flower to the bride?

Often, the bride's flower transplant is performed every year in early spring in the second or third decade of March. The plant life is not too long, therefore every year you can grow new cuttings. Campanula lives in the premises on average 2-3 years, then it should be updated. For her planting, you must buy ready-made soil for flowering plants or make a mixture of:

What pot is needed for campaigning?

Flowers "the bride and groom" are suitable for growing in pots, pendant containers. A powerful root system of a flower needs a wide but shallow vessel. At the beginning of spring, 3-4 entrenched cuttings are planted in one pot for a campaignanule 8 cm in size. When roots appear on the surface of the earth mixture (after 2-3 months), the flower is transplanted into a large container. Bulky pots are not needed - enough pots with a diameter of 11-13 cm.

Why does not the flower blossom?

Campanula bloom from the spring will last until late autumn. Due to non-compliance with the growing conditions, the plant may not be pleased with beautiful buds. Why the Campanula does not blossom:

  1. Lack of light can cause a weak flowering. If too dark, the plant stretches. He needs to find a good place in the house, but from direct sunshine, the best one should be shaded. The best place for him is the south-west and east windows. On the north side, the flower will have to be refreshed.
  2. Elevated temperature in the absence of an expressed period of rest. The plant gives preference to coolness, optimal conditions in winter - 5-10 ° C, in summer - up to 22 ° C.
  3. No cropping. In March, the plant should be severely cut, otherwise its shoots will become lignified and the flowering will cease.
  4. In order not to abuse complex make-up for active flowering, household fertilizers can be used - crushed egg shells, wood ash, yeast diluted in water.