Euphorbia - home care

Euphorbia is a unique succulent flower, received its name due to the whitish poisonous juice, which stands out when the trunk is cut. Because of the decorativeness, many growers gladly grow it on their windowsills. So, we will talk about the characteristics of care for milk (another name euphorbia) at home.

Euphorbia - the basis of care

Place the pot with the plant better in a place with scattered sunlight, so that the burns do not appear on the leaves. However, if we mention the care at home of the milk of Tirukalli , a very high domestic pet, then it perfectly tolerates direct sunlight. Do not like all kinds of drafts of drafts and cold air.

If we talk about the air temperature in the room, it is optimal for the suckling fit comfortable + 18 + 20 ⁰С. In the summer, it is better to take a pot with a plant outdoors in the shade.

Separately it is necessary to say about such an important aspect of care, as watering. In spring and summer, when the flower is in the active vegetation phase, the pot is watered abundantly and, of course, regularly. And use water is permanent. By the way, if the care of milk is triangular at home in the summer, will include abundant watering, plant growth will change almost before our eyes. So perfectly he reacts to a sufficient amount of water. In winter, watering is reduced.

In addition, in hot weather, in order to protect from over-drying, care for the flower spurge involves spraying the above-ground part. They love these succulents, when the caring owner removes the accumulated dust from time to time. However, for this hygienic procedure it is better to use a soft brush rather than a rag.

To care for milk at home was full, you should not forget about feeding. In the phase of active growth, complex fertilizers are introduced twice a month. By the way, any fertilizer for cacti is suitable for milking.

Euphorbia - transplant and reproduction

Transplantation in a new pot is made every three years. For suckling, a primer is suitable for succulents or cacti. The main thing is not to forget about the drainage layer .

If we talk about reproduction, then in normal conditions it is effective to use only cuttings. In spring, the plant cuts the stalk, which is left for 2-3 days in a warm room. This is necessary for the emergence of milky juice. After this, the cut is treated with charcoal and rooted in wet sand. You can also drop the shank into a container of water, immersing it by ¼.