Dicing of a bow on a feather

Surely almost everyone has memories from childhood about the winter window sill with jars, in which moms put onion to grow. Dicing the onion on the windowsill is now a great way to please the family with green salad and vitamin C. If you want to grow greens on a larger scale, this will require more thorough preparation.

Green onion

The technology of forcing a bow on a pen is very simple, but it will require patience. Let's consider the basic rules of cultivation of a green onions in hothouse conditions:

  1. We select the planting material for forcing onions for greens. For planting material is best suited shallot onions, brass, onion shnitt. Perfectly suitable for multichip varieties (southern) and onion salad. For forcing onions, bulbs with a diameter of 3-4 cm and weighing from 30 to 60 g are selected for the pen. If you want to create a conveyor cultivation, then it is worth selecting several batches of different sizes and varieties.
  2. After you have selected the material for forcing onions for greens, it should be prepared. The first thing to do is to awaken the bulb. In the greenhouse, put the planting material in a heap and moisten it with warm water. Then everything is covered with mats, burlap or agrofiber. Withstand bulbs for 3-5 days at a temperature of about 20 ° C.
  3. To accelerate germination, you can use manure. It is also possible to use a solution of chicken manure or ammonium nitrate. Within 4-5 hours, the bulbs are soaked in the prepared solution. Also, you can awaken the bulb by cutting it to 1/4 of the height.
  4. To make green onions, you need to create the right microclimate in the greenhouse. First of all, we select the right soil. The land must be fertile with good water-physical properties. The use of peat or peat mixture is allowed. To neutralize the soil, a couple of weeks prior to disembarkation add lime. Before planting, it is also good to water the soil so that it sinks.
  5. Planting planting material must be very tight. On a square meter the rate of consumption of bulbs is about 20 pieces. Plant the bottom down, the gaps formed cover the soil on a layer of 3 cm. Next, everything is well watered with warm water.
  6. The optimum temperature in the winter is 20 ° C, humidity should be within 75-80%. If the temperature is raised, the process will go faster, but as a result, there will be a lot of underdog.
  7. With regard to fertilizing, then already on the tenth day after growing, you can start fertilizing. For these purposes, 1% solution of ammonium nitrate, urea or other water-soluble fertilizers will do.
  8. Illumination of the greenhouse for forcing onions can be natural, in addition to illuminate the lamps only on cloudy days or to extend the daylight. The more light in the greenhouse, the more elastic and well-colored feathers are obtained.

Bow-out on hydroponics

Popularity is the forcing of a bow on a feather on hydroponics. Planting materials are selected according to the principle described for greenhouse cultivation. Before work, the bulbs are prepared in a different way.

Planting material is peeled from the husks and dipped in warm water. The tank with water is equipped with a nebulizer and a compressor, they are turned on and the bulbs are kept there for 12 hours. This process is called bubbling. Next, the bulb neck is cut by 1/5 and placed in a special tray.

For forcing out onions, the best solution is water, and gravel or expanded clay is considered the best substrate. Among the varieties that have proved themselves well, it is worth noting Bessonovsky local, Union, Timiryazevsky, Pogarsky. Until the time when the feathers reach a height of 10 cm, light is completely unnecessary. Further the plantation begins to be illuminated in a natural way or with the help of lamps.