Backlight for seedlings

Every year at the end of winter, gardeners and truck farmers begin to actively extract boxes and sort out the available seed for future vegetable and flower crops. To maximize the proper growth and laying down a strong immunity, plants need seedlings for seedlings.

Which lamps are best used for highlighting seedlings?

The abundance of various instruments for highlighting seedlings on the windowsill causes the eyes to scatter. An inexperienced person in this matter is generally easily confused. But, regardless of your preferences, it is worthwhile to listen to what science says about the choice of such a lamp.

The most useful from the point of view of growth, laying down health and yields are lamps having a blue-red spectrum. In everyday life, these are not used, but for seedlings they will be just right. But the incandescent bulbs that we used to actively illuminate seedlings during the Soviet era can only do harm - they do not affect growth in any way, but they create a high temperature, and they can cause a burn of leaves, dry air and the development of harmful microorganisms in boxes with seedlings .

So, let's find out which highlight for seedlings is the most successful of the presented ones:

  1. Phytolamp for highlighting seedlings - these lamps are specially designed for use in crop growers and are successfully used on seedlings. They have the necessary red-violet spectrum, which positively affects plants. But to a person it is harmful, and therefore it is necessary to install the correct reflector, and the rack should be installed away from the residential area. The price of such a lamp is slightly higher than the rest, but it justifies the invested funds.
  2. LED home-made lamp - the most economical and in terms of cost components and in terms of saving electricity. The luminaire consists of two strips of LED tape - purple and red. Alternating colors, you can get the ideal lightening for seedlings.
  3. The sodium lamp - it has a high pressure in the tube and should not be accessible to children and animals. Such a lamp provides a warm and soft light, but has a high enough price, and therefore not everyone can afford.
  4. Fluorescent lamps can also be used as seedlings for seedlings, but the germination and development of plants beneath them will be slightly worse than in the red-violet spectrum, since this lamp practically does not contain the color spectrum necessary for the development of plants.

When to turn on the highlight for seedlings?

Depending on the duration of the daylight, the location of the shelves, as well as the weather on the street will depend on the time of illumination. If the boxes with plants stand on the windowsill, then on a sunny day, the light will be required only for a few hours - turn it on at sunset and turn off at about 21.00. The total seedling time should be approximately 14 hours of bright light.

If the street is rainy or just cloudy in the morning, then the lamp can be turned on for the whole day. That's why it's more profitable to buy LEDs, which are practically do not affect the consumption of electricity.

But for shelves, which are originally installed along the walls, away from natural light, a 14 hour light period is mandatory. Therefore, the lamp turns on in the early morning and burns until evening.

Some amaters save on lamps and grow seedlings without lightening, rather use the power of the sun to their advantage. For this, the boxes with seedlings are wrapped in a shiny foil and it is also installed as a back wall. The sun's rays, reflected from the foil, dissipate, and the illumination will be more even. This method is more suitable for sunny weather, but in cloudy weather it does not work.