Dufaston in Pregnancy

In most cases, miscarriage during pregnancy is associated with such a circumstance as a lack in the body of the future mother hormone progesterone. It is this biological substance that is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the uterus, which contributes to the creation of normal conditions for the development of the baby in the womb. Thanks to such properties, it is often called the hormone of pregnancy.

The threat of interruption of the pregnancy that occurs is usually characteristic of the initial gestation period, but may also occur in the 2nd trimester. In the case of diagnosing progesterone insufficiency, women are prescribed Dufaston during the current pregnancy. Consider the use of this drug during the gestation of the fetus and tell about the features of its use.

Why should women drink Dufaston during pregnancy?

As a rule, the main purpose of prescribing this kind of drug is to prevent the possibility of spontaneous abortion. Duphaston is by nature a synthetic analog of the hormone progesterone. That is why the drug helps to reduce the increased tone of uterine myometrium, and also positively affects the process of formation of normal mucosa. That is why the drug can be prescribed and in the event that in the process of bearing a baby a woman suffers from a disease such as chronic endometritis.

How should I take Dufaston during pregnancy?

Applying Dufaston during pregnancy consistently, relying on instruction, the future mother is strictly prohibited. The drug should be appointed by the doctor, which indicates the dosage and the frequency of reception.

In most cases, the drug is prescribed for use during the first 16 weeks of gestation. However, in certain situations, with a pronounced deficiency of the hormone in the blood, the expectant mother may be taken up to 22 weeks. Therefore, as to how much and how it is necessary to drink Dufaston during pregnancy, it is up to the doctor to monitor the course, considering all the features of this process. If, during treatment with Dufaston during pregnancy, the expectant mother suddenly forgot to drink it, then the next procedure is carried out according to the list of prescriptions, ie. unscheduled medicine is not taken.

It is worth noting that the termination of the drug Dufaston during pregnancy, i.e. its cancellation, is carried out according to a certain scheme and not instantaneously. So daily the dosage is reduced, reducing it by 0.5-1 tablet. Such actions are carried out only after laboratory confirmation of the level of the hormone in the blood of a future mother. Therefore, up to what week to drink Dyufaston in a specific pregnancy, the doctor should decide only on the basis of the results of a blood test for hormones.

Is it always possible to use Dufastone in pregnant women with the appropriate disorder?

Before the woman during pregnancy will start to take Dufaston, doctors carefully study her anamnesis. The thing is that like any drug, it has its contraindications. The most common of these is individual intolerance.

In addition, among the contraindications in the instruction, you can find such violations as Dabin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome. Particular care is taken by doctors when prescribing the drug to a future mother with problems in the cardiovascular system, if there is diabetes mellitus, with diseases of the excretory system, in particular the kidneys. Also, the medicine is tried not to be prescribed in those cases when during the previous pregnancy the woman had a skin itch.