Berescut - planting and care

Berezklet is a decorative evergreen plant that fascinates with its beauty. Fruits in the form of earrings effectively and gorgeously I will look in any landscape design. Planting and care for the spindle is quite unruly, because such a plant perfectly withstands drought and severe frosts. Well, let's look at how to properly care for him.

Varieties and features

The plant is used in different applications. It can grow in the form of a tree or shrub. You can create hedges or simply decorate them with flowerbeds. Not all types of spindle can take root in our climate, so pay attention to such varieties:

  1. European euonymus . This species came to us from Spain, so it feels great in the dry season and grows up to seven meters in height. Flowering begins in May, and you can collect variegated fruits already in September.
  2. The spindle is warty . Loves a moderate climate, can grow in the form of a bush or a tree. A capsule with seeds grows in June, as a rule, it is bright orange or maroon.
  3. Dwarf spindle spindle . It grows in the form of a shrub, not more than one meter high. He likes to hide in the shade, gives the yellow-green seed boxes in August.
  4. The spindle is winged . This is a deep green bush. During the ripening period, its leaves change color to dark red. This sort of luxury will look great in your garden at the end of the summer.
  5. Japanese spindle bearing . The evergreen shrub stands out with yellow-green flowers in early summer. The spindle can be planted and groomed at home, but it will often be pruned, since it can grow to 50 m. In the house, one should try to keep it away from heated areas, because the bush can discard the leaves. Remember that berries are poisonous to humans, so they should be cut off immediately.

All types of spindles do not require much strength in planting and care. They are very decorative look both in the house and in the garden. Let's go into this topic.

Reproduction and planting

Propagation of shrubs by layers or cuttings. In early summer, you need to dig up the bush. In a couple of weeks, he will begin to let go of the roots, so cut the joint with the adult bush. At the end of the summer, it is necessary to transplant the young plant to a permanent place. Cuttings of spindle leaves are grown in boxes in the first year, which are hidden in the premises in winter.

Understand how correctly transplant spindle is easy. Initially, determine the location. Shrub likes both the shadow and the sun, so choose neutral territory. Soil should not be acid and moisture resistant. Therefore, limestone in advance. Remember that the spindle grows rapidly, so the distance from the trees should be 3-4 m.

Dig a hole twice the size of the root system to a depth of half a meter. Put there spindle and bury. Pour a small layer of sand on top.

Reproduce and plant spindle must be either in April or in September. If you do this in the autumn period, cover the soil with hay or a layer of fallen leaves.

Features of care of a plant

If you are planning to make a landing and care of spindle leaves at home, then remember that the plant likes fresh air. Place the pots (boxes) with the bush on the balcony, and in the winter keep them away from the batteries. Water abundantly, once a week.

Planting and caring for garden spindles do not require much attention. In a comfortable environment, the plant needs a rare, but abundant watering. It is enough to pour it with ten liters of water twice a week. So, as winter hardiness of spindle is rather high, it should not be sheltered for the winter.

In order for the spindle to look beautiful and elegant, you need to cut it, shaping it. Lower shoots are cut off when they reach a length of 20 cm. Also, dry branches should be removed immediately. When the fruits are already ripe, then you can cut them. If you do not do this, then they will become a beautiful ornament of the bush and neither will it harm him.

Pest Control

This is an important element in planting and caring for euonymus, since many insects like to eat it with its green juicy leaves. Slugs , caterpillars, snails, mites often attack the bush. In mid-May you need to water the plant with a solution of laundry soap. This will protect him from ticks, fungus and aphids. With the remaining pests, you will be helped by the chemicals purchased in the store. You need to choose those that have low acidity , otherwise you will harm the plant.