Salted cabbage is good and bad

Many people love this product, because it has a piquant taste and low calorie, can be used as a side dish, or as a snack. In order to be sure that you should eat salted cabbage, you need to know about its benefits and harm to the body, because each dish contains certain substances and vitamins .

Is salted cabbage useful?

This dish contains a lot of vitamin C, which is simply necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. It is this vitamin experts recommend taking in the fall and winter, when the likelihood of contracting the flu or ARVI becomes much higher. It can be said that such an effect of this product on human immunity speaks about the obvious benefit of salted cabbage.

Why is salted cabbage useful?

But this is not the only advantage of this snack. It contains potassium , which strengthens the heart muscle, fibers of the nervous tissue and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Such properties of this microelement are proved by many scientists, therefore the use of the mentioned snack promotes the improvement of the human body.

But, it is worth knowing that this dish can bring harm. For example, it is not recommended to include in the diet of those to whom doctors advised to reduce salt intake. The high content of this element in the snack can promote the formation of edema, so it should not be used by anyone who has kidney disease.

From inclusion in a diet of salted cabbage it is necessary to refrain also to people with a gastritis or a stomach ulcer. The food can cause an exacerbation of the disease, since it is too acidic. For the same reason, he is not advised to use dentists for those patients who have been found to have erosion of the tooth enamel or wedge-shaped defect.