Garden perennial chrysanthemums - preparation for winter

As far as we are waiting for the first spring snowdrops and primulas , we are so expecting the flowering of chrysanthemums in autumn. These flowers do not just decorate the site, when many plants begin to prepare for bed, they fill the atmosphere with mood and make the site elegant. In this article we will touch on the issue of how to preserve garden chrysanthemums in winter, as well as several options for wintering bushes.

We choose for the winter the preparation for garden perennial chrysanthemums

Disputes as to whether to dig a bush before the cold, a lot and they will not stop, because every gardener shares his personal experience, and they live in different bands. Therefore, before choosing a method of wintering, give yourself an answer to such questions:

  1. What is the nature of the winters in your region? Like many other types of plants, chrysanthemum will feel well under a layer of snow, and in snowless winter has every chance to freeze. No less destructive for the bush is a constant temperature change, when large precipitation is replaced by thaws. Excess of the vagi in the soil will lead to the death of the plantations.
  2. The second question concerns the variety . If you live in a cold region, choose among the varieties of the group in a poetic name "oak". These are Korean breeding varieties adapted for cold regions. Many of the subtleties of caring for garden chrysanthemum in the fall depend on the variety. Do not confuse the homemade lover of heat and the frost-resistant garden chrysanthemum. At home larger leaves, it usually blooms only with a long enough warm season.

After you answered yourself to these two questions, you can choose the method of conservation and care for the garden chrysanthemum in the fall. It is also important to understand that in this matter it is dangerous to overdo, you can ruin planting. Often, beginner gardeners are so worried that their flowers will freeze, that they wrap up too warmly, as a result of planting they are baked.

How to cover the garden chrysanthemum for the winter?

There are three fundamentally different options for preserving your landings. However, before the beginning of the cold season for any of them you will have to try and prepare the bushes. This training is as follows:

Next, we define the wintering variant. One of the most common ways how to keep garden chrysanthemums in winter for warm regions, to cover plantations and leave to winter in the open ground. This is a good solution for small-flowered varieties and representatives of Korean breeding. Cropped bushes are as high as possible and covered with boxes, after the arrival of frosts, they are additionally covered with leaves and branches. So the snow will settle down in a dense layer and keep the flowers.

In the cold northern regions, the trench method is used to care for the garden chrysanthemum for the winter. The depth of the trench is approximately 70 cm. They put dug up bushes in it and do not cover them until the first frost. This will make it possible to prevent fungal diseases and harden plants. Next, we will not fall asleep, and cover with a slate and a layer of foliage with branches. Minus this method - the inability to take control of the state of the roots of the plant.

And finally, to prepare the garden perennial chrysanthemums for the winter, they can be dig out and sent to the cellar temporarily. This is the best option for a band with a very severe climate. Also the method is suitable for varieties with large flowers intended for hothouse cultivation or temporary dug beds. Dig up bushes with an earthen lump and put in pots or bags, so that the roots do not dry out. High humidity and a temperature of about 4 ° C will not let the bushes die.