Dream Interpretation - Rat and Interpretation of Dreams Associated with Rats

Plunging into sleep, a person often sees visual images that signal about future changes in his life or subconscious experiences. According to the dream book, the rat has many meanings, some of which may even pose a threat to health and life.

Rats are getting off - why is this?

Interpretation of each dream can be carried out according to several dream books, the benefit of writing such collections does not lose relevance since the times of Nostradamus and until today. If you combine all the ideas about what a rat dreams about, you can understand that the most common explanations are:

Why does a white rat dream?

White rodents are lovely house animals, from which it is difficult to expect any meanness, but meeting them in dreams is fraught with fatal dangers. This color means innocence and femininity , so in life one should expect a dirty trick from the fair sex, pretending to be pretty silly. Decide what to do if the rat dreamed to be white, and not a different color, will help the advice of their different dream books:

  1. Miller assures that this is a direct hint at a quarrel with business partners who can even use blackmail or physical influence. If you manage to catch the animal - the enemies will be defeated.
  2. Wangi's dreambook says that the white rat is a symbol of the triumph of truth and justice, for which you still have to fight. To show their determination to the higher powers, one must show one's determination and try to caress or feed her.
  3. In Nostradamus, the meaning is due to quarreling and unreadiness to compromise. As his dream book assures, the rat reveals an inner inability to resolve the omissions and a slight yield to someone else's deceit.

Why does a black rat dream?

Even the white color of the rodent's skin is worth more than black. All the dream books converge in the fact that black rats are only dreamed to warn against a big mistake or difficult life's misfortunes. The more it is, the higher the possibility that luck will pass by someone who has dreamed with her. It is necessary to take into account the fact that most authors interpret black as a shade of a close environment - parents, friends or the other half. Dreamnik Medei believes that a rodent with such a fur can speak of a sense of guilt for his relatives.

What does a yellow rat dream about?

Solar and red tones - the color analogy of flattery and pretense, it is not easy to calculate. Compliments and praise eclipse the eyes and prevent clearly to see who the person is. The one who dreamed a rat in a dream of yellow color, must learn to distinguish sincere people from the deceitful, enjoying the benefits, achieved through communication with him. The circumstances under which it appears will help to do this:

  1. If a yellow rat runs around the house, the dream book advises to look for hypocrites among those who enter it.
  2. Collision with the animal, which occurred in the office, hints at subordinates, dreaming will advance in the service.
  3. The street yellow rat in the dream book should mean the coming amazing events around whoever sees it.

What does a pink rat dream about?

A pink shade of a fur coat of a small animal comes more often in dreams to representatives of the fair sex. He signals the same thing that the yellow rodent notifies - only to understand what the rat dreams of a girl will help her close environment. All the dream books agree that the traitor is of the same sex as the victim, but another girlfriend will help to expose him. Nostradamus says that "a false woman will try to whitewash herself, but she does not need to believe." As his dream book says, a rat in a dream will come 1-2 weeks before such an unpleasant event.

What does a water rat dream about?

Every person is fond of witchcraft, can say that water is needed in order to wash away the negative. Miller and Wangi's dream combinations agree that if a rat dreams, the person needs to be cleansed, because his aura is polluted with envy, curses and somebody's offenses. The victim of the evil eye needs to ask for help as soon as possible to people who know how to deal with this problem.

Why does a sweet rat dream?

The obedient and benevolent rodent in the medea's dream book symbolizes the emergence of adaptive skills among friends and relatives. She believes that if a rat dreamed, to which the person would not be inclined - his environment with everything to accept. Those who see this dream are advised to reflect on their own character or bad habits: maybe he is a tyrant, a drug addict or an alcoholic, and a frightened wife, mother or child is forced to get used to deviant behavior and consider it a norm.

What does the rat on the leash dream about?

A leash is a sign that someone is controlling an animal (or traitor, a liar, according to the basic interpretation). If in a dream the rat dreamed with a collar to which an occasion is attached, then the enemy's opinion forms a third person. Calculate the "gray cardinal", who prefers to hide behind other people's backs, is not easy, but you can do it right in your sleep. Miller's dream book contains an indication of the need to pay attention to such details as:

Why does a rat dream?

Residents of a house in which a rodent-living pet lives, it can dream as a signal to improve interpersonal relationships between spouses or parents and children. All the rest should find out what the rat is dreaming about and prepare for certain disappointments in life. The dream book has three meanings for people who are faced with this story:

  1. Disappointment in sincere feelings. In the environment there will be a person who will cause such pain that for a while the desire to even hear about love and affection will disappear.
  2. The fall of the morals of someone you trust. Vanga made a dream book, a rat in which means a collision with the worst qualities of a person, to the opinion of which all are accustomed to listen.
  3. Sudden support of a new friend. If a cat snatches a rat from its hands, then the person with whom acquaintance took place only recently becomes a lightning rod in the future problems.

Why does a bald rat dream?

To which species a bald animal did not belong, his bare skin predicts defenselessness before any situation and instability. If you connect this omen with the fact that the rat dreams in a dream, it becomes clear that this sign can not be called a positive sign. The impossibility of influencing circumstances according to Miller's dream book will manifest itself in one of the following aspects:

Why dream about that rat biting?

The rat's dream interpretation is interpreted as a direct indication of death, illness, or other serious condition of one of the acquaintances. An important role here is played by the coloring of the animal, the place of the bite and the way of attack. Interpreters of dreams, arguing about what it is that dreams, that a rat has bitten, put forward such assumptions:

  1. Financial difficulties. If a dark rodent attacks the dream and bites the hand, then according to the dream books, a friend of the family or a member of it will make a fatal mistake by borrowing or taking other people's money.
  2. The quarrel of lovers. A haunting dream about an insistent rat, eager to bite a person over and over again indicates that the object of love will soon switch to another person.
  3. A dangerous disease. If a rat dreams that bites his leg or manages to grab a man for clothes, then he is waiting for the loss of someone close to him or helping him in the fight against a deadly disease.

Why does a dead rat dream?

There is no doubt that murder causes extremely negative associations. The contemplation of the death of a rodent with confidence can be called a nightmare, but do not abuse unambiguous interpretation. Since the authors of the dream books do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what a rattled rat dreams about or who died in any other way, it is worth paying attention to the details under which she was seen:

  1. If the animals appeared dead in a dream and the body swims in the water, then changes in the career are coming. Transparent fluid promises gratitude and professional growth, muddy water - undeserved criticism and a large amount of unpaid work.
  2. The dead rat found on the bed, dream-books consider a harbinger of problems in marriage, which will create outside people who are constantly interfering in the couple's relationship.
  3. The rodent, found lying on the road - a sign of obstacles in the realm of self-realization. According to the dream book compiled by Nostradamus, the dead rat predicts difficulties in creativity and achievement of the desired goal.