Premature detachment of the placenta

Premature detachment of the placenta refers to those complications of pregnancy that can lead to fetal death or the development of disturbances in the process of its intrauterine development. Let us consider it in more detail.

What are the causes of premature placental abruption?

To begin with, it must be said that such a complication can develop both in the process of bearing a baby, and during delivery. In the first case, doctors assess the condition of the placental-uterine system, calculate the area of ​​the exfoliated child's place, and if necessary, stimulate the birth process or appoint a caesarean section.

During childbirth, the development of detachment limits the duration of the process of delivery, so physicians constantly monitor the condition of the fetus.

If we speak directly about the causes of this violation, then it is necessary to name:

What are the main signs of premature placental abruption?

The main symptoms of such a violation are:

It is worth noting that the bleeding can be both external and internal (as a result, a hematometer is formed). In the latter case, the disorder is diagnosed only with the help of an ultrasound machine.

What are the consequences of premature placental abruption?

This violation can adversely affect the fetal condition. When untimely diagnosis of partial detachment, fetal hypoxia may develop. This phenomenon disrupts the fetal development of the fetus, adversely affects the work of the brain.

With regard to the consequences for the woman in childbirth, the following can be classified as such: