8 midwifery pregnancy week

The sixth week of fetal development corresponds to the 8 midwifery week of the current pregnancy. The fetus is already able to wiggle the handles, bend them in the elbow joint. That is why on the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy a woman experiences the appropriate sensations, that is, she feels the fetus moving. With ultrasound, these movements resemble more twitching, since the muscles of the child are still quite weak and the amplitude of the movements is small.

Appearance of the fetus

On obstetric terms of 8 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is in appearance similar to a person in appearance. The fingers on the handles are longer, but the webs between them are still preserved. The eyes are located on the sides of the head, have the appearance of dark spots, but are covered with already transparent eyelids.

At 8-9 midwifery week, the buds of future lungs actively develop. They are branching bronchi, in appearance similar to the crown of a tree. At this time, the formation of a real kidney occurs, which replaces the primary one, which existed earlier. Its development occurs throughout the duration of pregnancy, and the final formation occurs after birth.

It is at 7-8 midwifery week of pregnancy that there is a decrease in size and disappearance of the tail of the embryo. At the same time, the trunk is stretched, but its proportions are still far from the usual ones.

At the time of 8 obstetric weeks the embryo is quite mobile and actively swims in the amniotic fluid, turning around its axis with its legs up and back. On average, the size of his body by this time is 1.5 cm.

Features of woman's condition

At the time of 8 obstetric weeks the woman undergoes unpleasant moments of pregnancy. Thus, it is at this time that frequent toxicomics occur, reaching their maximum. For example, if a woman, just waking up, immediately takes breakfast, then the probability of nausea in the morning in this case is very high. A characteristic feature is that the practical condition immediately after vomiting improves dramatically, and the woman can spend the whole day without any ailments. An interesting fact is that the research of Canadian physicians has made it possible to establish that in women who suffered from toxicosis throughout the whole pregnancy, the children born had good intellectual abilities.

Hormonal changes

If we talk about the hormonal background of women, the 8th obstetric week of a normally occurring pregnancy is under the influence of progesterone and estrogen hormone.

The concentration of these hormones increases at times, since their action is primarily aimed at maintaining pregnancy. It is these hormones that relax the uterine musculature, which increases in size as the fetus increases.

At the same time, the yellow body starts producing the hormone relaxin, which directly relaxes the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and the musculature of the uterine neck. As the period of pregnancy increases, its concentration in the blood constantly increases and reaches a maximum at the time of birth, when under the influence of relaxin there is a divergence of pelvic bones. In addition, recent studies have shown that this hormone takes a direct part in the process of the formation of new vessels in the body of a woman.

The level of hCG at 8 midwifery week is of little informative. That is why the condition of the fetus is determined with the help of ultrasound.

Also, 70% of all pregnant women at this time there is a breast enlargement, that is, it swells a little. It is all connected with the same hormones that are synthesized in high concentration.